Started on Apr 19, 2018 12:32:37 AM Using strategy: Specific revision [poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 52da8b2d240a3273119e8238d12f328d8961b4b6 (feature/CR-3328-widgets-project-pipelin) > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Bitbucket server credentials > git ls-remote -h # timeout=10 Found 5 remote heads on Ignoring refs/heads/feature/CR-3163-widgets-project-calenda as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/feature/more-ci-improvements as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/master as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/feature/fix-build as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs [poll] Latest remote head revision on refs/heads/feature/CR-3328-widgets-project-pipelin is: 066c3e28900eeac4624ba5f62d843ba27a3a1905 Using strategy: Specific revision [poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 52da8b2d240a3273119e8238d12f328d8961b4b6 (feature/CR-3328-widgets-project-pipelin) > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Bitbucket server credentials > git ls-remote -h # timeout=10 Found 5 remote heads on Ignoring refs/heads/feature/CR-3163-widgets-project-calenda as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/feature/more-ci-improvements as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/master as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/feature/fix-build as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs [poll] Latest remote head revision on refs/heads/feature/CR-3328-widgets-project-pipelin is: 066c3e28900eeac4624ba5f62d843ba27a3a1905 Using strategy: Specific revision [poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 52da8b2d240a3273119e8238d12f328d8961b4b6 (feature/CR-3328-widgets-project-pipelin) > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials Bitbucket server credentials > git ls-remote -h # timeout=10 Found 5 remote heads on Ignoring refs/heads/feature/CR-3163-widgets-project-calenda as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/feature/more-ci-improvements as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/master as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs Ignoring refs/heads/feature/fix-build as it doesn't match any of the configured refspecs [poll] Latest remote head revision on refs/heads/feature/CR-3328-widgets-project-pipelin is: 066c3e28900eeac4624ba5f62d843ba27a3a1905 Done. Took 11 sec Changes found