pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Iniciandoooo') { steps { sh ''' echo "hola" ''' } } stage('Inicio') { steps { script { withEnv(['HUBOT_URL=','HUBOT_DEFAULT_ROOM=pull-requests','HUBOT_FAIL_ON_ERROR=false']) { hubotSend message: 'building job ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL} - $BLUE_OCEAN_URL - $BUILD_URL' hubotApprove message: 'Proceed with building this job?' } } sh '''hubotSend message: \'Releasing Test project.\' hubotSend message: "*Release Started*. \\n Releasing Test Project. :sunny: \\n <@nrayapati> ", tokens: "BUILD_NUMBER,BUILD_ID", status: \'STARTED\'''' } } stage('Build') { steps { sh ''' echo "hola" hubotSend message: "*Release Completed*. \\n Releaseing Test Project.", tokens: "BUILD_NUMBER,BUILD_ID", status: \'SUCCESS\' ''' } } stage('aprobacion') { steps { sh '''hubotApprove message: \'Promote to Staging?\', tokens: "BUILD_NUMBER, BUILD_DURATION", status: \'ABORTED\' ''' } } stage('inicio pre') { steps { sh '''hubotSend message: "*Staging Deployment Successful...* \\n Deployed Test Project to node.", tokens: "BUILD_NUMBER,BUILD_ID", status: \'SUCCESS\' ''' } } stage('test') { steps { sh 'echo "test"' } } stage('a prod?') { steps { sh '''hubotApprove message: \'Promote to Production?\', tokens: "BUILD_NUMBER, BUILD_DURATION", status: \'ABORTED\' ''' } } stage('fin') { steps { sh 'hubotSend message: "*Hooray! Went to Prod... :satisfied:* \\n Deployed Test Project to prod( node.", tokens: "BUILD_NUMBER,BUILD_ID", status: \'SUCCESS\'' } } } }