Started by user Alexandr
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Preparing machines)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] parallel
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] { (Branch: agent-windows0)
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] { (Branch: agent-windows1)
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat0] { (Branch: agent-redhat0)
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat1] { (Branch: agent-redhat1)
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] stage
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] { (agent-windows0 preparation)
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] stage
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] { (agent-windows1 preparation)
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat0] stage
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat0] { (agent-redhat0 preparation)
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat1] stage
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat1] { (agent-redhat1 preparation)
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] build (Building Preparation � agent-windows0)
[agent-windows0] Scheduling project: Preparation » agent-windows0
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] build (Building Preparation � agent-windows1)
[agent-windows1] Scheduling project: Preparation » agent-windows1
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat0] build (Building Preparation � agent-redhat0)
[agent-redhat0] Scheduling project: Preparation » agent-redhat0
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat1] build (Building Preparation � agent-redhat1)
[agent-redhat1] Scheduling project: Preparation » agent-redhat1
[agent-windows0] Starting building: Preparation » agent-windows0 #48
[agent-windows1] Starting building: Preparation » agent-windows1 #48
[agent-redhat0] Starting building: Preparation » agent-redhat0 #92
[agent-redhat1] Starting building: Preparation » agent-redhat1 #90
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat1] }
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat1] // stage
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat1] }
[agent-redhat1] Failed in branch agent-redhat1
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] echo
[agent-windows1] Job with machine agent-windows1 successfully done!
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] }
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] // stage
[Pipeline] [agent-windows1] }
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat0] }
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] echo
[agent-windows0] Job with machine agent-windows0 successfully done!
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] }
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat0] // stage
[Pipeline] [agent-redhat0] }
[agent-redhat0] Failed in branch agent-redhat0
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] // stage
[Pipeline] [agent-windows0] }
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: Preparation » agent-redhat1 #90 completed with status FAILURE (propagate: false to ignore)
Finished: FAILURE