C:\>dir /a (note, only showing the Jenkins relevant files from root directory listing) Directory of C:\ 02/12/2019 04:19 PM <SYMLINKD> jenkins [\\?\ContainerMappedDirectories\004D2CF4-17CE-4D3C-9899-3E50E65E4E9E] 02/11/2019 04:39 PM 77,329,094 jenkins.war C:\jenkins>dir /a Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins 02/13/2019 09:48 AM <DIR> . 02/13/2019 09:48 AM <DIR> .. 02/12/2019 04:29 PM 0 .lastStarted 02/13/2019 08:55 AM 47 .owner 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 630 com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.endpoints.BitbucketEndpointConfigurat xml 02/12/2019 05:04 PM 11,186 config.xml 11/27/2017 02:55 PM 766 credentials-configuration.xml 11/27/2017 02:57 PM 979 credentials.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 214 github-plugin-configuration.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 807 hudson.maven.MavenModuleSet.xml 02/12/2019 04:28 PM 159 hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 288 hudson.plugins.analysis.core.GlobalSettings.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 250 hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.BuildStepOperation.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 1,316 hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 320 hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 419 hudson.plugins.git.GitTool.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 186 hudson.plugins.jira.JiraProjectProperty.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 211 hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialInstallation.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 660 hudson.plugins.msbuild.MsBuildBuilder.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 381 hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperConfig.xml 07/11/2018 05:35 PM 827 hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 391 hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 145 hudson.tasks.Ant.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 188 hudson.tasks.Mailer.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 132 hudson.tasks.Maven.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 76 hudson.tasks.Shell.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 216 hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.xml 11/06/2017 04:19 PM 1,712 identity.key.enc 02/12/2019 05:04 PM 94 jenkins.CLI.xml 02/12/2019 04:29 PM 5 jenkins.install.InstallUtil.lastExecVersion 11/06/2017 04:21 PM 6 jenkins.install.UpgradeWizard.state 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 159 jenkins.model.ArtifactManagerConfiguration.xml 02/12/2019 05:04 PM 138 jenkins.model.DownloadSettings.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 263 jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 247 jenkins.mvn.GlobalMavenConfig.xml 02/12/2019 05:04 PM 357 jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenPropertyConfiguration.xml 02/12/2019 05:04 PM 169 jenkins.security.QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration.xml 02/12/2019 05:04 PM 162 jenkins.security.UpdateSiteWarningsConfiguration.xml 11/27/2018 05:11 PM 171 jenkins.telemetry.Correlator.xml 02/11/2019 02:13 PM <DIR> jobs 11/06/2017 04:19 PM <DIR> logs 02/12/2019 04:29 PM 907 nodeMonitors.xml 11/06/2017 04:19 PM <DIR> nodes 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 236 org.jenkins.plugins.lockableresources.LockableResourcesManager.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 299 org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.tools.DockerTool.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 255 org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.JGitApacheTool.xml 07/12/2018 04:29 PM 243 org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.JGitTool.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 293 org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.config.GlobalConfig.xml 02/13/2019 09:47 AM 504 org.jenkinsci.plugins.resourcedisposer.AsyncResourceDisposer.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 153 org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.flow.GlobalDefaultFlowDurabilityLevel.xml 02/11/2019 03:04 PM 219 org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries.xml 02/11/2019 04:57 PM <DIR> plugins 11/06/2017 04:20 PM 207 proxy.xml 02/13/2019 09:48 AM 130 queue.xml 02/12/2019 09:20 AM 129 queue.xml.bak 06/29/2018 01:21 PM 369 scriptApproval.xml 11/06/2017 04:19 PM 64 secret.key 11/06/2017 04:19 PM 0 secret.key.not-so-secret 11/06/2017 05:48 PM <DIR> secrets 02/12/2019 04:29 PM <DIR> updates 11/06/2017 04:19 PM <DIR> userContent 02/12/2019 04:09 PM <DIR> users 02/12/2019 04:28 PM <DIR> war 11/06/2017 04:19 PM <DIR> workflow-libs 02/13/2019 09:47 AM <DIR> workspace (note, not including full names of jobs for privacy) C:\jenkins\jobs>dir /a Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins\jobs 02/11/2019 02:13 PM <DIR> . 02/11/2019 02:13 PM <DIR> .. 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> Au 02/11/2019 02:36 PM <DIR> Au 02/13/2019 09:48 AM <DIR> Au 02/11/2019 02:39 PM <DIR> Au 02/12/2019 09:19 AM <DIR> En 02/13/2019 09:37 AM <DIR> En 02/12/2019 09:16 AM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:05 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:06 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 06:24 PM <DIR> Sh 02/12/2019 09:16 AM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:07 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:07 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:08 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:08 PM <DIR> Sh 02/12/2019 09:17 AM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:09 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:10 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 03:10 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> Ut 02/12/2019 09:17 AM <DIR> Ut (from the first job in the list above) C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted>>dir /a Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted> 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> . 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> .. 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> builds 02/11/2019 02:34 PM 5,354 config.xml 02/11/2019 05:00 PM <SYMLINKD> lastStable [builds\lastStableBuild] 02/11/2019 05:00 PM <SYMLINKD> lastSuccessful [builds\lastSuccessfulBuild] 02/11/2019 05:00 PM 3 nextBuildNumber 02/08/2019 02:44 PM 398 scm-polling.log 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 46 svnexternals.txt C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted>\builds>dir /a Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted>\builds 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> . 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> .. 02/11/2019 02:47 PM <DIR> 88 02/11/2019 02:47 PM <DIR> 89 02/11/2019 02:47 PM <DIR> 90 02/11/2019 02:47 PM <DIR> 91 02/11/2019 02:47 PM <DIR> 92 02/11/2019 02:47 PM <DIR> 93 02/11/2019 02:47 PM <DIR> 94 02/11/2019 12:38 PM <DIR> 95 02/11/2019 02:35 PM <DIR> 96 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> 97 07/19/2018 08:08 AM <SYMLINK> lastFailedBuild [-1] 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <SYMLINKD> lastStableBuild [97] 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <SYMLINKD> lastSuccessfulBuild [97] 03/23/2018 10:37 AM <SYMLINK> lastUnstableBuild [-1] 07/19/2018 08:08 AM <SYMLINK> lastUnsuccessfulBuild [-1] 03/22/2018 01:46 PM 0 legacyIds C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted>\builds\97>dir /a Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted>\builds\97 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> . 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> .. 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> archive 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 3,729 build.xml 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 6 changelog.xml 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 942,707 log 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 203 msbuild-blames.xml 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 706 msbuild-fixed-issues.xml 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 480 msbuild-new-issues.xml 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 219 msbuild-outstanding-issues.xml 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 65 revision.txt C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted>\builds\97\archive>dir /a Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins\jobs\Au<redacted>\builds\97\archive 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> . 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> .. 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 12,678,958 ATF- 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 7 revision-11713.txt 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 2,608,608 Scripts- 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 13 version.txt (Jenkins workspace directory listings) (Again, names partially shown for privacy) C:\jenkins\workspace>dir /a Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins\workspace 02/13/2019 09:47 AM <DIR> . 02/13/2019 09:47 AM <DIR> .. 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> Au 11/30/2018 09:45 AM <DIR> Au 02/13/2019 09:47 AM <DIR> Au 07/13/2018 09:35 AM <DIR> Au 02/12/2019 09:19 AM <DIR> En 02/13/2019 09:37 AM <DIR> En 01/19/2019 03:07 PM <DIR> Sh 01/18/2019 03:21 PM <DIR> Sh 07/12/2018 03:59 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 06:24 PM <DIR> Sh 01/19/2019 03:08 PM <DIR> Sh 11/15/2018 03:26 PM <DIR> Sh 01/18/2019 03:14 PM <DIR> Sh 11/15/2018 03:16 PM <DIR> Sh 02/11/2019 02:28 PM <DIR> Sh 01/19/2019 03:11 PM <DIR> Sh 01/18/2019 03:33 PM <DIR> Sh 08/21/2018 02:48 PM <DIR> Sh 07/18/2018 12:34 PM <DIR> Sh 07/12/2018 11:45 AM <DIR> Ut 02/12/2019 09:17 AM <DIR> Ut (From the first workspace, which aligns with the job I've included listings for above) In this case here, "Framework" would be source code directory checked out via SVN (using TortoiseSVN within container) C:\jenkins\workspace\Au<redacted>>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3812-37A3 Directory of C:\jenkins\workspace\Au<redacted> 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> . 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> .. 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 12,678,958 ATF- 02/11/2019 05:01 PM <DIR> Framework 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 7 revision-11713.txt 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 2,608,608 Scripts- 02/11/2019 05:01 PM 13 version.txt