07:31:52 *** start WhiteSource scan *** [Pipeline] echo 07:31:52 productName: node-js-sample [Pipeline] echo 07:31:52 productVersion: 1.1.1-devel [Pipeline] echo 07:31:52 includes: **/*.js [Pipeline] echo 07:31:52 excluded: [Pipeline] whitesource 07:31:52 Updating White Source. 07:31:52 Collecting OSS usage information 07:31:52 Starting generic job on /workspace/ojects_-sample-npm_develop 07:31:53 Job finished. 07:31:53 WhiteSource Service URL: 07:31:53 Checking policies 07:31:52 Scanning folder ojects_-sample-npm_develop 07:31:53 Found 322 dependencies matching include / exclude pattern in folder. 07:32:55 Generating policy check report 07:32:55 Some dependencies violate open source policies, however all were force updated to organization inventory. 07:32:55 Sending to White Source 07:32:57 WhiteSource update results: 07:32:57 WhiteSource organization: *** 07:32:57 0 Newly created projects: 07:32:57 07:32:57 1 existing projects were updated: 07:32:57 develop - 1.1.1-devel 07:32:57 WhiteSource Support Token: ***