pipeline { agent any tools { maven 'mvn-v3.6.0' jdk 'jdk8' } stages { stage('Build') { steps { echo 'Building......' sh 'mvn clean package -DskipTests=True' } } stage ('Docker Build') { steps { // prepare docker build context sh 'pwd' sh 'ls -lrt' // Build and push image with Jenkins' docker-plugin script { echo 'Start - Build and push image with Jenkins docker-plugin' withDockerServer([uri: ""]) { withDockerRegistry([credentialsId: 'docker-registry-sample-credentials', url: "https://registry-dev.apps.dev.example.io"]) { // we give the image the same version as the .war package def image = docker.build("registry-dev.apps.dev.example.io/springdemo-3", "--build-arg PACKAGE_VERSION=1.1 ./") image.push() echo 'Done pushing the image.' } } } } } stage ('Dev_Deployment') { steps{ sh 'cat manifest.yml' sh 'export CF_DOCKER_PASSWORD=sampleDockerPassword' pushToCloudFoundry( target: 'https://api.sys.dev.example.io', credentialsId: 'pcfcreds', organization: 'pcforg', cloudSpace: 'pcfspace', manifestChoice: [manifestFile: 'manifest.yml'] ) } } } }