*   Run and retry the pass-in task before secondstoWaitBeforeRetry is done
*   @doSomething : a runable task
*   @secondstoWaitBeforeRetry : TTL for the task
def runWithExtraLife(doSomething, int secondstoWaitBeforeRetry=0) {
    try {
        return doSomething()
    } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException fie) {
        println(fie.toString() + " (Maybe interrupted by newer build or manually abort)")
        throw fie
    } catch (exc) {
        if (secondstoWaitBeforeRetry != 0) {
        println(exc.toString() + " (Extra Life for retry)")
        return doSomething()

*   Always run this task if following task will interact with docker
*   This step aim to avoid the issue : https://stackoverflow.com/a/44384169
def stopOldBuilds() {
    try {
        def previousBuild = currentBuild.rawBuild.getPreviousBuildInProgress()
        if (previousBuild != null) {
    } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException fie) {
        println(fie.toString() + " (Maybe interrupted by newer build or manually abort)")
        throw fie
    } catch( exc ) {
        println(exc.toString() + " (exception on stopOldBuilds but fine to continue)")

*   Return ImageName
def generateWebImageTagByGitCommit() {
    return "CI-${BRANCH_NAME}-${GIT_COMMIT.substring(0, 7)}".replace('/','--').replace('@', '_at_')

*   Run backend test job parallelly by parallell_no
*   @parallel_no : indicate the part of tests will be run, number to testCases mapping please see @Dockerfile
def runBackendParallelTests(int parallel_no) {
    env.WEB_IMAGE_TAG = generateWebImageTagByGitCommit()
    sh '/usr/sbin/ip a | grep "inet 10"'
    sh '$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/bin/python3 ci/wait_till_docker_ready.py'
    try {
        sh 'ci/ecr_login_quiet.sh | true'
        sh 'docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.test.yml pull'
    } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException fie) {
        println(fie.toString() + " (Maybe interrupted by newer build or manually abort)")
        throw fie
    } catch (exc) {
        println(exc.toString() + " (Extra Life for ecr_login_quiet.sh and docker-compose pull)")
        sh 'ci/ecr_login_quiet.sh | true'
        sh "docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.test.yml pull"
    try {
        sh("PARALLEL_NO=${parallel_no} COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-${parallel_no}"
                + " make run-docker-compose-up")
        junit "ci/output/junit${parallel_no}.xml"
        dir('ci/output') {  // For Cobertura Coverage.
            stash name: "Coverage_P${parallel_no}", includes: ".coverage.${parallel_no},coverage${parallel_no}.xml"
    } finally {
        sh 'docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.test.yml down'
        // Avoid test worker storage full. It should be fine since image should be done within 1 hour and pull new
        // one should only take about one minute.
        sh "ci/rm_hours_old_docker_images.sh || true"

*   Function to support 'pipeline-github-plugin', aim to remove label from PR
*   native pullRequest.removeLabel throw exception when label not exist in PR
*   this func deal with this situation
def removeLabelFormPR(java.lang.String removedLabel, pullRequest) {
    for (label in pullRequest.labels) {
        if (label.toLowerCase().equals(removedLabel)) {

def parallel_timeout_minutes = 35

pipeline {
    agent none
    environment {
        COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT = "600"
        COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN = credentials('XXX')
        // For WEB_IMAGE_TAG to be valid with docker image name.
        AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = 'ap-northeast-1'
        AWS_ECR = "XXX"
        // Pass in python version to Dockerfile
        PY_VERSION = "2.7.16"
    options {
        timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES')
    stages {
        stage('Stop Old Builds') {
            steps {  // from https://stackoverflow.com/a/52811034 .
        stage('BE Build') {
            failFast false
            parallel {
                stage('python2') {
                    agent {
                        node {
                            label 'ec2-fleet-be-builder'
                    options {
                        timeout(time: 45, unit: 'MINUTES')
                    environment {
                        WEB_IMAGE_TAG = generateWebImageTagByGitCommit()
                    stages {
                        stage('Build & Push Image') {
                            options {
                                timeout(time: 35, unit: 'MINUTES')
                            steps {
                                sh '/usr/sbin/ip a | grep "inet 10"'
                                sh '$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/bin/python3 ci/wait_till_docker_ready.py'
                                sh 'mkdir -p ci/output'
                                sh 'ci/ecr_login_quiet.sh | true'
                                    sh "ci/build_not_existed_docker_image.sh"
                        stage('Check Security') {
                            when {
                                anyOf {
                                    branch 'master'
                                    branch 'develop'
                            steps {
                                sh 'docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.test.yml run web make safety-check arg="-i 36810"'
                                // 36810 is the vulnerability ID of numpy, need fix in PR #2707
                                sh 'docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.test.yml run web make bandit-check'
                    post {
                        always {
                            sh 'docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.test.yml down'
                            sh 'docker run -w /home -v `pwd`:/home alpine chown -R `id -u` .'
                stage('python3') {
                    agent {
                        node {
                            label 'ec2-fleet-be-builder'
                    environment {
                        PY_VERSION = "3.6.8"
                    options {
                        timeout(time: 45, unit: 'MINUTES')
                    stages {
                        stage('Removing tag of PR') {
                            steps {
                                script {
                                    if(env.CHANGE_ID) {
                                        removeLabelFormPR("py3 build", pullRequest)
                        stage('Build Image') {
                            options {
                                timeout(time: 35, unit: 'MINUTES')
                            steps {
                                sh '$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/bin/python3 ci/wait_till_docker_ready.py'
                                sh 'mkdir -p ci/output'
                                sh 'ci/ecr_login_quiet.sh | true'
                                    // ***
                                    // now image WILL NOT BE PUSHED
                                    // ***
                                    sh "ci/build_not_existed_docker_image_without_push.sh"
                                script {
                                    if (env.CHANGE_ID) { // syntax to make sure this is a PR not a branch
                                        pullRequest.addLabel("py3 build")
        stage('BE Tests') {
            environment {
                AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = 'ap-northeast-1'
            options {
                timeout(time: 50, unit: 'MINUTES')
            failFast false
            parallel {
                stage('BE Parallel:1') {
                    agent { node { label 'ec2-fleet-r5xlarge-like' } }
                    options { timeout(time: parallel_timeout_minutes, unit: 'MINUTES') }
                    stages {
                        stage('BE Test') {
                            steps {
                    post { always { sh 'docker run -w /home -v `pwd`:/home alpine chown -R `id -u` .' } }
                stage('BE Parallel:2') {
                    agent { node { label 'ec2-fleet-r5xlarge-like' } }
                    options { timeout(time: parallel_timeout_minutes, unit: 'MINUTES') }
                    stages {
                        stage('BE Test') {
                            steps {
                    post { always { sh 'docker run -w /home -v `pwd`:/home alpine chown -R `id -u` .' } }
                stage('BE Parallel:3') {
                    agent { node { label 'ec2-fleet-r5xlarge-like' } }
                    options { timeout(time: parallel_timeout_minutes, unit: 'MINUTES') }
                    stages {
                        stage('BE Test') {
                            steps {
                    post { always { sh 'docker run -w /home -v `pwd`:/home alpine chown -R `id -u` .' } }
                stage('BE Parallel:4') {
                    agent { node { label 'ec2-fleet-r5xlarge-like' } }
                    options { timeout(time: parallel_timeout_minutes, unit: 'MINUTES') }
                    stages {
                        stage('BE Test') {
                            steps {
                    post { always { sh 'docker run -w /home -v `pwd`:/home alpine chown -R `id -u` .' } }
        stage('BE Coverage') {
            agent { node { label 'ec2-fleet-be-builder' } }
            options { timeout(time: 8, unit: 'MINUTES') }
            environment {
                WEB_IMAGE_TAG = generateWebImageTagByGitCommit()
            steps {
                sh '/usr/sbin/ip a | grep "inet 10"'
                unstash "Coverage_P1"
                unstash "Coverage_P2"
                unstash "Coverage_P3"
                unstash "Coverage_P4"
                cobertura coberturaReportFile: "coverage*.xml", autoUpdateHealth: true, autoUpdateStability: true
                sh 'mkdir -p ci/input'
                sh 'mv .coverage.* ci/input'
                sh '$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/bin/python3 ci/wait_till_docker_ready.py'
                sh 'ci/ecr_login_quiet.sh | true'
                sh "docker pull ${AWS_ECR}/company-docker-image:${WEB_IMAGE_TAG}"
                script {
                    env.CI_PULL_REQUEST = (env.CHANGE_ID != null) ? "${COMPANY_GITHUB_REPO}/pull/${CHANGE_ID}" : null
                sh("docker run --rm "
                        + "-e 'COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=${COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN}' "
                        + "-e 'COVERALLS_PARALLEL=true' "
                        + "-e 'JENKINS_HOME=/var/lib/jenkins' "
                        + "-e 'BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER}' "
                        + "-e 'GIT_BRANCH=${BRANCH_NAME}' "
                        + "-e 'CI_PULL_REQUEST=${env.CI_PULL_REQUEST}' "
                        + "-v \$(pwd)/ci/input:/app/ci/input "
                        + "${AWS_ECR}/company-docker-image:${WEB_IMAGE_TAG} ci/backend_coveralls.sh")
                sh 'ci/coveralls_parallels_post_webhook.sh'
        stage('Test Deployment') {
            agent { node { label 'master' } }
            when {
                anyOf {
                    branch 'master'
                    branch 'develop'
                    expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /hotfix\/.*/ }
                    expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /project\/.*/ }
                    expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /release\/.*/ }
            environment {
                WEB_IMAGE_TAG = generateWebImageTagByGitCommit()
            steps {
                build job: '_DeployCloud', wait: false, parameters: [
                    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'BRANCH_TO_BUILD', value: "${BRANCH_NAME}"],
                    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'ENV_NAME', value: "deployable"],
                    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_NAME', value: "deployableDynamic"],
                    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'WEB_IMAGE_TAG', value: "${WEB_IMAGE_TAG}"],