Started by user Kapoor [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building on master in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace Skipping installation of to /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/Sonar-Scanner3.2.0: Connection refused (Connection refused) [workspace] $ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/Sonar-Scanner3.2.0/sonar-scanner-3.2.0/bin/sonar-scanner ******** -Dsonar.javascript.karmajstestdriver.reportsPath=UI/reports/phantomjs.2.1.1.linux.0.0.0.xml -Dsonar.projectKey=DOT-WebPortal -Dsonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=UI/coverage/ -Dsonar.exclusions=**/Web_Portal/**,**/node_modules/**,**/e2e/**,**/coverage/**,**/karma/**,**/reports/** -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace INFO: Scanner configuration file: /opt/app/jenkins/var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/Sonar-Scanner3.2.0/sonar-scanner-3.2.0/conf/ INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE INFO: SonarQube Scanner INFO: Java 1.8.0_231 Oracle Corporation (64-bit) INFO: Linux 3.10.0-1062.1.2.el7.x86_64 amd64 INFO: User cache: /home/jenkins/.sonar/cache INFO: SonarQube server 7.9.2 INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "UTF-8" (analysis is platform dependent) WARN: SonarScanner will require Java 11 to run starting in SonarQube 8.x INFO: Load global settings INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=169ms INFO: Server id: A8CA708E-1313052bfde8eb4 INFO: User cache: /home/jenkins/.sonar/cache INFO: Load/download plugins INFO: Load plugins index INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=53ms INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=2411ms INFO: Loaded core extensions: developer-scanner INFO: Process project properties INFO: Execute project builders INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=4ms INFO: Project key: DOT-WebPortal INFO: Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace INFO: Working dir: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/.scannerwork INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'DOT-WebPortal' INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'DOT-WebPortal' (done) | time=28ms INFO: Load project branches INFO: Load project branches (done) | time=23ms INFO: Load project pull requests INFO: Load project pull requests (done) | time=15ms INFO: Load branch configuration INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=2ms INFO: Load quality profiles INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=362ms INFO: Detected Jenkins INFO: Load active rules INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=1116ms INFO: Indexing files... INFO: Project configuration: INFO: Excluded sources: **/Web_Portal/**, **/node_modules/**, **/e2e/**, **/coverage/**, **/karma/**, **/reports/** INFO: Load project repositories INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=78ms INFO: 139 files indexed INFO: 0 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns INFO: Quality profile for css: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for js: Sonar way INFO: Quality profile for ts: TsLint INFO: Quality profile for web: Sonar way INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module DOT-WebPortal INFO: Load metrics repository INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=27ms INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Metrics [cssfamily] INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Metrics [cssfamily] (done) | time=309ms INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Rules [cssfamily] INFO: Sensor SonarCSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=22966ms INFO: Sensor HTML [web] INFO: Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=754ms INFO: Sensor SonarTS [typescript] INFO: Analyzing 59 typescript file(s) with the following configuration file /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/rtal_MultiBranchPipeline_develop/UI/tsconfig.json ERROR: No valid rules have been specified for TypeScript files INFO: 59 files analyzed out of 59 INFO: Sensor SonarTS [typescript] (done) | time=14769ms INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=6ms INFO: Sensor SonarJS [javascript] INFO: 19 source files to be analyzed INFO: Sensor SonarJS [javascript] (done) | time=1479ms INFO: Sensor ESLint-based SonarJS [javascript] INFO: 19/19 source files have been analyzed INFO: 19 source files to be analyzed INFO: Sensor ESLint-based SonarJS [javascript] (done) | time=25615ms INFO: Sensor SonarJS Coverage [javascript] INFO: 19/19 source files have been analyzed WARN: No coverage information will be saved because LCOV file cannot be found. WARN: Provided LCOV file path: UI/coverage/ Seek file with path: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/UI/coverage/ WARN: No coverage information will be saved because all LCOV files cannot be found. INFO: Sensor SonarJS Coverage [javascript] (done) | time=2ms INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/.scannerwork/ucfg2/java INFO: Read 0 type definitions INFO: Reading UCFGs from: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/.scannerwork/ucfg2/java INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. INFO: Sensor JavaSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=5ms INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/ucfg_cs2 INFO: Read 0 type definitions INFO: Reading UCFGs from: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/ucfg_cs2 INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. INFO: Sensor CSharpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=0ms INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] INFO: Reading type hierarchy from: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/.scannerwork/ucfg2/php INFO: Read 0 type definitions INFO: Reading UCFGs from: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/.scannerwork/ucfg2/php INFO: No UCFGs have been included for analysis. INFO: Sensor PhpSecuritySensor [security] (done) | time=0ms INFO: ------------- Run sensors on project INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=336ms INFO: SCM Publisher is disabled INFO: 7 files had no CPD blocks INFO: Calculating CPD for 90 files INFO: CPD calculation finished INFO: Analysis report generated in 853ms, dir size=684 KB INFO: Analysis report compressed in 669ms, zip size=319 KB INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 1086ms INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report INFO: More about the report processing at INFO: Analysis total time: 1:38.731 s INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO: EXECUTION SUCCESS INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO: Total time: 1:43.242s INFO: Final Memory: 54M/1522M INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status => SUCCESS PostBuild-Step: Quality Gates plugin build passed: FALSE Build step 'Quality Gates Sonarqube Plugin' marked build as failure sent [/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/.scannerwork/css-bundle/node_modules/spdx-exceptions/test.log, /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/rtal_MultiBranchPipeline_develop/UI/node_modules/chrome-trace-event/events.log, /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/rtal_MultiBranchPipeline_develop/UI/node_modules/simple-swizzle/node_modules/is-arrayish/yarn-error.log, /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/rtal_MultiBranchPipeline_develop/UI/node_modules/spdx-exceptions/test.log, /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ALM/jobs/sonar-CMO/workspace/rtal_MultiBranchPipeline_develop/UI/node_modules/speed-measure-webpack-plugin/lerna-debug.log] to splunk in 5 events Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 3 second ERROR: Unable to notify JIRA: [401] Unauthorized Finished: FAILURE