false 30 10 -1 -1 false false false 0 0 virtual machine false category false job-info 2 +refs/pull-requests/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* ssh://git@bitbucket-prod.localdomain:7999/${destinationRepositoryOwner}/${destinationRepositoryName}.git a4cb8b58-30ab-4914-a306-6ba4567890b2 origin/pr/${pullRequestId}/from false project 2 ssh://git@bitbucket-prod.localdomain:7999/CI/continuous-integration.git a4cb8b58-30ab-4914-a306-6ba4567890b2 origin/master false ci .* devel-image && x86_64 false false false false (System) H/2 * * * * H/2 * * * * https://bitbucket-prod.localdomain 5df640b4-d117-4f0e-9ef2-1b120fead149 BIOS conn-amqp NO TEST test this please true false false false false false false true true false PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/lib64/ccache:$PATH" export PATH cppcheck --std=c++11 --enable=all --inconclusive --xml --xml-version=2 project 2>cppcheck.xml cd project && \ CCACHE_BASEDIR="`pwd`" && export CCACHE_BASEDIR && \ ./autogen.sh && \ ./configure && \ make memcheck && \ make distcheck **/cppcheck.xml true true true true true true true true true 500 200 0 true false false false false false false false https://bitbucket-prod.localdomain 5df640b4-d117-4f0e-9ef2-1b120fead149 false ${sourceCommitHash} true false false false Jenkins@localdomain.com> https://jenkins2.localdomain/ false false 5df640b4-d117-4f0e-9ef2-1b120fead149 STASH_USERNAME STASH_PASSWORD 180 This build stalled for {0} minutes with no output... # # Workaround for broken git references that appear due to PRs, # popping up in other jobs trying to use just the master branch. # # See https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-35219 and # https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bitbucket-questions/Change-pull-request-refs-after-Commit-instead-of-after-Approval/qaq-p/194702 set +x echo "Triggering lazy-merge of the PR on stash, by inspecting the special URL..." curl -s -k https://${STASH_USERNAME}:${STASH_PASSWORD}@bitbucket-prod.localdomain/rest/api/latest/projects/${destinationRepositoryOwner}/repos/${destinationRepositoryName}/pull-requests/${pullRequestId}/merge && echo "" false