FROM # Labels to be updated at build time in Jenkins LABEL usage=miniconda LABEL version= LABEL date= # Make RUN commands use `bash --login`: RUN mkdir /root/.pip COPY pip.conf /root/.pip/ COPY .condarc /root/ # Set up conda RUN conda update -y --prefix /usr/local conda # Initialize conda in bash config files: RUN conda init bash # Install bump2version in the base environment RUN conda install -y bump2version setuptools # Install mamba in the base environment RUN conda install -y mamba -c conda-forge # Create the test environment and install packages used in testing SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN mamba create -y --name test flake8 pytest pytest-cov coverage RUN mamba create -y --name sphinx sphinx pydata-sphinx-theme dask-sphinx-theme sphinx_rtd_theme astropy-sphinx-theme sphinx-book-theme sphinx-material sphinx-tabs sphinxcontrib-programoutput jupyter_sphinx sphinx-nbexamples sphinx-tabs sphinx-argparse # Install additional packages RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install git wget unzip openjdk-8-jre-headless curl # Install dependency-check RUN mkdir dependency-check RUN wget -O dependency-check/ RUN unzip -n dependency-check/