[requires] range-v3/0.12.0 boost/1.78.0 poco/1.11.1 ms-gsl/3.1.0 cpython/3.9.7 pybind11/2.9.1 pybind11_json/0.2.11 gtest/1.11.0 nlohmann_json/3.10.4 benchmark/1.6.0 nvtx/3.0.1 termcolor/2.0.0 date/3.0.1 tclap/1.2.5 fast-cpp-csv-parser/cci.20200830 sde-cmake-helpers/0.6 sde-plcommon/0.7 sde-gpucommon/0.6 # conflict overrides zlib/1.2.13 # boost needs 1.2.12, pcre needs 1.2.13 expat/2.5.0 # cpython needs 2.4.1, poco needs 2.5.0 tbb/2019_u9 # Required to make parallel STL work on GCC 11. Not used on Windows. [options] sde-plcommon:use_nvtx=False # Set to True to enable NVTX profiling markers. tbb:shared=False date:header_only=True # We don't use tz.h, so we get rid of libcurl dependency. cpython:shared=True # Doesn't build properly on Windows without it. See: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index/issues/9333 #cpython:with_bz2=False cpython:with_curses=False # Option doesn't exist on Windows. At least not for Python 3.7. cpython:with_gdbm=False # Option doesn't exist on Windows. At least not for Python 3.7. #cpython:with_lzma=False cpython:with_nis=False # Option doesn't exist on Windows. At least not for Python 3.7. #cpython:with_sqlite3=False # cpython Conan recipe breaks if sqlite3 is not enabled. cpython:with_tkinter=False # We get rid of many dependencies by slashing POCO. poco:enable_activerecord=False poco:enable_apacheconnector=False poco:enable_cppparser=False poco:enable_crypto=False poco:enable_data=False poco:enable_data_mysql=False poco:enable_data_odbc=False poco:enable_data_postgresql=False poco:enable_data_sqlite=False poco:enable_encodings=False poco:enable_fork=False # Linux only. poco:enable_json=False poco:enable_jwt=False poco:enable_mongodb=False poco:enable_net=False poco:enable_netssl=False poco:enable_pagecompiler=False poco:enable_pagecompiler_file2page=False poco:enable_pdf=False poco:enable_pocodoc=False poco:enable_redis=False poco:enable_sevenzip=False poco:enable_util=True # Required for enable_zip. poco:enable_xml=True # Required for enable_zip. poco:enable_zip=True [generators] cmake_multi [imports] ., license* -> ./ThirdPartyLicenses @ folder=True, ignore_case=True [tool_requires] patchelf/0.13