=== Verbose logging started: 7/13/2023  22:41:58  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.10011.00  Calling process: C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe ===
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:115]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:115]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:130]: ******* RunEngine:
           ******* Product: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi
           ******* Action: 
           ******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:130]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:146]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:161]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:161]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:41:58:177]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:41:58:193]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:41:58:193]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:208]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:208]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:208]: ******* RunEngine:
           ******* Product: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi
           ******* Action: 
           ******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:224]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:224]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:224]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:240]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:240]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:661]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi' against software restriction policy
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:58:677]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi has a digital signature
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:318]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:333]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:349]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:365]: Original package ==> D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:365]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Windows\Installer\7bed9.msi
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:365]: APPCOMPAT: Compatibility mode property overrides found.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:380]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:396]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:427]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:427]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:443]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:443]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:459]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:459]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:474]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:474]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:490]: Transforms are not secure.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:490]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation property. Its value is 'D:\logfile.log'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:505]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. Its value is '{71C27E7B-07B0-4B89-940E-9B644E3B92ED}'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:505]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize:           ''
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:521]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}'
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:521]: Product Code from property table after transforms:  '{530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}'
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:521]: Product not registered: beginning first-time install
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:536]: Product {530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A} is not managed.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:552]: MSI_LUA: Credential prompt not required, user is an admin
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:552]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. Its value is '-1'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:552]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:568]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:568]: Adding new sources is allowed.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:583]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackagecodeChanging property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:583]: Package name extracted from package path: 'jenkins.msi'
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:583]: Package to be registered: 'jenkins.msi'
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:599]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:599]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:615]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:630]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:630]: Product installation will be elevated because user is admin and product is being installed per-machine.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:630]: Running product '{530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:646]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SERVICE_USERNAME property. Its value is 'DeveloperNonadmin'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:646]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SERVICE_PASSWORD property. Its value is '**********'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:661]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding INSTALLDIR property. Its value is 'D:\Jenkins'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:661]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PORT property. Its value is '8080'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:677]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY property. Its value is 'D:\'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:677]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '3'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:677]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property. Its value is '2236'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:693]: Machine policy value 'DisableAutomaticApplicationShutdown' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:708]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its value is '01a5d18480e4e94cb87879e5fbbe4a32'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:708]: RESTART MANAGER: Session opened.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:708]: TRANSFORMS property is now: 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:724]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property. Its value is '200'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:724]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:740]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\Favorites
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:740]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:755]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\Documents
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:755]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:771]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:771]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:787]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:787]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:803]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:803]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\Pictures
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:818]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:818]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:834]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:834]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:849]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Public\Desktop
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:849]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:865]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:865]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:880]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:880]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Developer\Desktop
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:896]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:896]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Windows\Fonts
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:912]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 16 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:927]: MSI_LUA: Setting MsiRunningElevated property to 1 because the install is already running elevated.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:927]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRunningElevated property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:927]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:943]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:943]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its value is 'CompanyName'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:959]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:959]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding COMPANYNAME property. Its value is 'CompanyName'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:959]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\Installer\7bed9.msi'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:974]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase property. Its value is 'D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\jenkins.msi'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:974]: Machine policy value 'MsiDisableEmbeddedUI' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:974]: EEUI - Disabling MsiEmbeddedUI for service because it's not a quiet/basic install
=== Logging started: 7/13/2023  22:41:59 ===
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:41:59:990]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:005]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:005]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:005]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its value is '2'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:021]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:021]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: LaunchCondition 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:036]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: LaunchCondition 4: SELECT `Condition` FROM `LaunchCondition` 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:036]: APPCOMPAT: [DetectVersionLaunchCondition] Failed to initialize pRecErr.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:036]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:052]: Doing action: INSTALL
Action start 22:42:00: INSTALL.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:068]: Running ExecuteSequence
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:068]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts
Action start 22:42:00: FindRelatedProducts.
Action ended 22:42:00: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:099]: Doing action: SaveCmdLineValueINSTALLDIR
Action start 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueINSTALLDIR.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CMDLINE_INSTALLDIR property. Its value is 'D:\Jenkins'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueINSTALLDIR. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:115]: Doing action: SaveCmdLineValueJAVA_HOME
Action start 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueJAVA_HOME.
Action ended 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueJAVA_HOME. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:146]: Doing action: SaveCmdLineValuePORT
Action start 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValuePORT.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:161]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CMDLINE_PORT property. Its value is '8080'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValuePORT. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:177]: Doing action: SaveCmdLineValueSERVICE_PASSWORD
Action start 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueSERVICE_PASSWORD.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CMDLINE_SERVICE_PASSWORD property. Its value is 'password'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueSERVICE_PASSWORD. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:208]: Doing action: SaveCmdLineValueSERVICE_USERNAME
Action start 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueSERVICE_USERNAME.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:224]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CMDLINE_SERVICE_USERNAME property. Its value is 'DeveloperNonadmin'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SaveCmdLineValueSERVICE_USERNAME. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:240]: Doing action: AppSearch
Action start 22:42:00: AppSearch.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:255]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:271]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:271]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:286]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:286]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:302]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:302]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:318]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:318]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:318]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:333]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:333]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK\17 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:349]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:349]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK\11 3: 2 
Action ended 22:42:00: AppSearch. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:365]: Doing action: SetFromCmdLineValueINSTALLDIR
Action start 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValueINSTALLDIR.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:380]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding JENKINSDIR property. Its value is 'D:\Jenkins'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValueINSTALLDIR. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:380]: Skipping action: SetFromCmdLineValueJAVA_HOME (condition is false)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:396]: Doing action: SetFromCmdLineValuePORT
Action start 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValuePORT.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:411]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PORTNUMBER property. Its value is '8080'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValuePORT. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:411]: Doing action: SetFromCmdLineValueSERVICE_PASSWORD
Action start 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValueSERVICE_PASSWORD.
Action ended 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValueSERVICE_PASSWORD. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:443]: Doing action: SetFromCmdLineValueSERVICE_USERNAME
Action start 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValueSERVICE_USERNAME.
Action ended 22:42:00: SetFromCmdLineValueSERVICE_USERNAME. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:458]: Doing action: SetJENKINS_ROOT
Action start 22:42:00: SetJENKINS_ROOT.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:474]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding JENKINS_ROOT property. Its value is '%LocalAppData%\Jenkins\'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SetJENKINS_ROOT. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:490]: Skipping action: SetPORTNUMBER (condition is false)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:490]: Doing action: ValidateProductID
Action start 22:42:00: ValidateProductID.
Action ended 22:42:00: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:536]: Doing action: CostInitialize
Action start 22:42:00: CostInitialize.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:568]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:583]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'D:\'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:599]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:599]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:615]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:615]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiPatchHeaders 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:615]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: __MsiPatchFileList 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:630]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:630]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: PatchPackage 4: SELECT `DiskId`, `PatchId`, `LastSequence` FROM `Media`, `PatchPackage` WHERE `Media`.`DiskId`=`PatchPackage`.`Media_` ORDER BY `DiskId`  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:630]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch 
Action ended 22:42:00: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:646]: Doing action: FileCost
Action start 22:42:00: FileCost.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:662]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiAssembly 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:662]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Class 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:677]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Extension 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:677]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: TypeLib 
Action ended 22:42:00: FileCost. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:693]: Doing action: SetJAVA_HOME_Default
Action start 22:42:00: SetJAVA_HOME_Default.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:709]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding JAVA_HOME property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11-jre\'.
Action ended 22:42:00: SetJAVA_HOME_Default. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:709]: Skipping action: SetJAVA_HOME_Empty (condition is false)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:724]: Doing action: CostFinalize
Action start 22:42:00: CostFinalize.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:740]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:740]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:740]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:755]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:755]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:755]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:771]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Condition 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:771]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'D:\'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:786]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying JENKINSDIR property. Its current value is 'D:\Jenkins'. Its new value: 'D:\Jenkins\'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:786]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:786]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:802]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR	, Object: D:\
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:802]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder	, Object: C:\Windows\
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:802]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder	, Object: C:\Program Files\
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:817]: Dir (target): Key: JENKINSDIR	, Object: D:\Jenkins\
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:817]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiAssembly 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:817]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: MsiAssembly 4:  SELECT `MsiAssembly`.`Attributes`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Manifest`,  `Component`.`KeyPath` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component` WHERE  `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = ? 
Action ended 22:42:00: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:833]: Doing action: InstallValidate
Action start 22:42:00: InstallValidate.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:864]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its current value is '01a5d18480e4e94cb87879e5fbbe4a32'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:864]: Feature: StartService; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:864]: Feature: UninstallService; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:880]: Feature: FirewallException; Installed: Absent;   Request: Null;   Action: Null
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:880]: Feature: Complete; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:880]: Component: Main; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:896]: Component: SettingsRegistryEntries; Installed: Null;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:896]: Component: StartService; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:896]: Component: UninstallService; Installed: Absent;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:911]: Component: FirewallException; Installed: Null;   Request: Null;   Action: Null
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:911]: Component: __SettingsRegistryEntries65; Installed: Null;   Request: Local;   Action: Local
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:927]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: BindImage 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:927]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ProgId 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:927]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PublishComponent 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:942]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: SelfReg 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:942]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Extension 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:942]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Font 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:958]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Shortcut 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:958]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Class 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:974]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: TypeLib 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:974]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: _RemoveFilePath 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:989]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:989]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: BindImage 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:00:989]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ProgId 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:005]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PublishComponent 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:005]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: SelfReg 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:005]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Extension 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:021]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Font 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:021]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Shortcut 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:021]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Class 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:036]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: TypeLib 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:036]: Note: 1: 2727 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:052]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: FilesInUse 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:052]: Note: 1: 2727 2:  
Action ended 22:42:01: InstallValidate. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:068]: Skipping action: SetEncryptedServicePASSWORD (condition is false)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:083]: Skipping action: DecryptServicePassword (condition is false)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:099]: Skipping action: SetServiceDecryptedPASSWORD (condition is false)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:099]: Doing action: InstallInitialize
Action start 22:42:01: InstallInitialize.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:130]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:130]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:146]: BeginTransaction: Locking Server
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:146]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:162]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:162]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:177]: Server not locked: locking for product {530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}
Action ended 22:42:01: InstallInitialize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:209]: Doing action: BackupJenkinsXmlFile
Action start 22:42:01: BackupJenkinsXmlFile.
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:01:224]: Generating random cookie.
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:01:240]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 3748 (0xEA4).
MSI (s) (6C:B8) [22:42:01:286]: Running as a service.
MSI (s) (6C:B8) [22:42:01:286]: Hello, I'm your 64bit Impersonated custom action server.
Action ended 22:42:01: BackupJenkinsXmlFile. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:318]: Doing action: RemoveExistingProducts
Action start 22:42:01: RemoveExistingProducts.
Action ended 22:42:01: RemoveExistingProducts. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:349]: Doing action: ProcessComponents
Action start 22:42:01: ProcessComponents.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:364]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiPatchCertificate 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:364]: LUA patching is disabled: missing MsiPatchCertificate table
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:364]: Resolving source.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:364]: Resolving source to launched-from source.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:380]: Setting launched-from source as last-used.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:380]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourceDir property. Its value is 'D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:380]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:396]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourcedirProduct property. Its value is '{530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:396]: SOURCEDIR ==> D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:396]: SOURCEDIR product ==> {530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:411]: Determining source type
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:411]: Source type from package 'jenkins.msi': 2
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:427]: SECREPAIR: Hash Database: C:\Windows\Installer\SourceHash{530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A}
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:427]: Note: 1: 2262 2: SourceHash 3: -2147287038 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:01:443]: SECREPAIR: New Hash Database creation complete.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:052]: Source path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:068]: Dir (source): Key: TARGETDIR	, Object: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\	, LongSubPath: 	, ShortSubPath: 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:068]: Dir (source): Key: WindowsFolder	, Object: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\	, LongSubPath: 	, ShortSubPath: 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:084]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder	, Object: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\	, LongSubPath: PFiles\	, ShortSubPath: 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:084]: Dir (source): Key: JENKINSDIR	, Object: D:\cicd\WorkingDirectory\	, LongSubPath: PFiles\Jenkins\	, ShortSubPath: 
Action ended 22:42:02: ProcessComponents. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:115]: Doing action: UnpublishFeatures
Action start 22:42:02: UnpublishFeatures.
Action ended 22:42:02: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:130]: Doing action: StopServices
Action start 22:42:02: StopServices.
Action ended 22:42:02: StopServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:161]: Doing action: DeleteServices
Action start 22:42:02: DeleteServices.
Action ended 22:42:02: DeleteServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:177]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues
Action start 22:42:02: RemoveRegistryValues.
Action ended 22:42:02: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:193]: Doing action: WixSchedFirewallExceptionsUninstall
Action start 22:42:02: WixSchedFirewallExceptionsUninstall.
MSI (s) (6C:D4) [22:42:02:208]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSICE5B.tmp, Entrypoint: SchedFirewallExceptionsUninstall
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:02:208]: Generating random cookie.
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:02:271]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 2952 (0xB88).
MSI (s) (6C:B8) [22:42:02:380]: Running as a service.
MSI (s) (6C:B8) [22:42:02:396]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Impersonated custom action server.
SchedFirewallExceptions:  Component 'FirewallException' action state (0) doesn't match request (2)
SchedFirewallExceptions:  No firewall exceptions scheduled
Action ended 22:42:02: WixSchedFirewallExceptionsUninstall. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:442]: Doing action: RemoveFiles
Action start 22:42:02: RemoveFiles.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:442]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: RemoveFile 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:458]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: RemoveFile 
Action ended 22:42:02: RemoveFiles. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:474]: Doing action: RemoveFolders
Action start 22:42:02: RemoveFolders.
Action ended 22:42:02: RemoveFolders. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:489]: Doing action: CreateFolders
Action start 22:42:02: CreateFolders.
Action ended 22:42:02: CreateFolders. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:505]: Doing action: EncryptServicePassword
Action start 22:42:02: EncryptServicePassword.
MSI (s) (6C:0C) [22:42:02:521]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSICF94.tmp, Entrypoint: CryptProtectDataHex
CryptProtectDataHex: MSI Extensions 1.5.918.0
MSI (s) (6C!18) [22:42:02:552]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CRYPTPROTECT_RESULT property. Its value is '01000000D08C9DDF0115D1118C7A00C04FC297EB01000000572E590D02849A44AEA46DCE048C914904000000020000000000106600000001000020000000097DE9BFE861EEE17050A25AA9504919E9DFE669A6881EAD17CB2E5D91ED553F000000000E8000000002000020000000BC2BE7E0213BB558FE2D615770EE666360C638EC5B4F1B50B452182B55D9501710000000D4E4A0957E01C1E00F824BEAD9F2F443400000009D11594590C5DF2EAAAAD70D952B600D74D24DA3771548A0851D4912809525B0E1982BDD5D7D536A625CF51BF5CB7A85EB1DEB407C88E9C051A0014780DED7DB'.
Action ended 22:42:02: EncryptServicePassword. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:567]: Doing action: SetServiceEncryptedPASSWORD
Action start 22:42:02: SetServiceEncryptedPASSWORD.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:583]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SERVICE_PASSWORD_ENC property. Its value is '01000000D08C9DDF0115D1118C7A00C04FC297EB01000000572E590D02849A44AEA46DCE048C914904000000020000000000106600000001000020000000097DE9BFE861EEE17050A25AA9504919E9DFE669A6881EAD17CB2E5D91ED553F000000000E8000000002000020000000BC2BE7E0213BB558FE2D615770EE666360C638EC5B4F1B50B452182B55D9501710000000D4E4A0957E01C1E00F824BEAD9F2F443400000009D11594590C5DF2EAAAAD70D952B600D74D24DA3771548A0851D4912809525B0E1982BDD5D7D536A625CF51BF5CB7A85EB1DEB407C88E9C051A0014780DED7DB'.
Action ended 22:42:02: SetServiceEncryptedPASSWORD. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:599]: Doing action: InstallFiles
Action start 22:42:02: InstallFiles.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:614]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:614]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Patch 4: SELECT `Patch`.`File_`, `Patch`.`Header`, `Patch`.`Attributes`, `Patch`.`Sequence`, `Patch`.`StreamRef_` FROM `Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`File_` = ? AND `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence` 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:630]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiSFCBypass 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:630]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: MsiSFCBypass 4: SELECT `File_` FROM `MsiSFCBypass` WHERE `File_` = ? 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:630]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiPatchHeaders 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:646]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: MsiPatchHeaders 4: SELECT `Header` FROM `MsiPatchHeaders` WHERE `StreamRef` = ? 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:661]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:661]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiPatchHeaders 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:677]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage 
Action ended 22:42:02: InstallFiles. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:692]: Doing action: StripJenkinsDir
Action start 22:42:02: StripJenkinsDir.
MSI (s) (6C!E4) [22:42:02:708]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding JENKINSDIR_STRIPPED property. Its value is 'D:\Jenkins'.
Action ended 22:42:02: StripJenkinsDir. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:724]: Doing action: SetSetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem
Action start 22:42:02: SetSetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:739]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\system32\icacls.exe" "D:\Jenkins" /inheritance:r /grant *S-1-5-19:(OI)(CI)(F) /grant *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)(F) /grant *S-1-5-18:(OI)(CI)(F)'.
Action ended 22:42:02: SetSetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:755]: Doing action: SetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem
Action start 22:42:02: SetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem.
Action ended 22:42:02: SetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:771]: Doing action: SetSetDirectoryPermissionsServiceAccount
Action start 22:42:02: SetSetDirectoryPermissionsServiceAccount.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:786]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SetDirectoryPermissionsServiceAccount property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\system32\icacls.exe" "D:\Jenkins" /inheritance:r /grant *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)(F) /grant "DeveloperNonadmin":(OI)(CI)(F)'.
Action ended 22:42:02: SetSetDirectoryPermissionsServiceAccount. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:802]: Skipping action: SetDirectoryPermissionsServiceAccount (condition is false)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:802]: Doing action: WixSchedFirewallExceptionsInstall
Action start 22:42:02: WixSchedFirewallExceptionsInstall.
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:02:833]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSID0CE.tmp, Entrypoint: SchedFirewallExceptionsInstall
SchedFirewallExceptions:  Component 'FirewallException' action state (0) doesn't match request (1)
SchedFirewallExceptions:  No firewall exceptions scheduled
Action ended 22:42:02: WixSchedFirewallExceptionsInstall. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:864]: Doing action: DuplicateFiles
Action start 22:42:02: DuplicateFiles.
Action ended 22:42:02: DuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:896]: Doing action: SchedXmlFile
Action start 22:42:02: SchedXmlFile.
MSI (s) (6C:0C) [22:42:02:911]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSID11D.tmp, Entrypoint: SchedXmlFile
MSI (s) (6C!40) [22:42:02:927]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ExecXmlFile property. Its value is '**********'.
MSI (s) (6C!40) [22:42:02:942]: Doing action: ExecXmlFile
Action start 22:42:02: ExecXmlFile.
Action ended 22:42:02: ExecXmlFile. Return value 1.
Action ended 22:42:02: SchedXmlFile. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:02:974]: Doing action: WriteRegistryValues
Action start 22:42:02: WriteRegistryValues.
Action ended 22:42:02: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:005]: Doing action: InstallServices
Action start 22:42:03: InstallServices.
Action ended 22:42:03: InstallServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:021]: Doing action: StartServices
Action start 22:42:03: StartServices.
Action ended 22:42:03: StartServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:052]: Doing action: RegisterUser
Action start 22:42:03: RegisterUser.
Action ended 22:42:03: RegisterUser. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:067]: Doing action: RegisterProduct
Action start 22:42:03: RegisterProduct.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:083]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductToBeRegistered property. Its value is '1'.
Action ended 22:42:03: RegisterProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:099]: Doing action: PublishFeatures
Action start 22:42:03: PublishFeatures.
Action ended 22:42:03: PublishFeatures. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:114]: Doing action: PublishProduct
Action start 22:42:03: PublishProduct.
Action ended 22:42:03: PublishProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:146]: Doing action: InstallFinalize
Action start 22:42:03: InstallFinalize.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:161]: Running Script: C:\Windows\Installer\MSICDDD.tmp
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:161]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UpdateStarted property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:177]: Note: 1: 2265 2:  3: -2147287035 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:177]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:177]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:193]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:193]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:193]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=500,Timestamp=1458419010,LangId=1033,Platform=589824,ScriptType=1,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:208]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A},ProductName=Jenkins 2.401.2,PackageName=jenkins.msi,Language=1033,Version=50270124,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,ProductIcon=installer.ico,,PackageCode={71C27E7B-07B0-4B89-940E-9B644E3B92ED},,,InstanceType=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:208]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:224]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Jenkins 2.401.2)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:239]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:255]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=0,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:271]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=1,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:287]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ProcessComponents,Description=Updating component registration,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:287]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=3,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=24000)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:302]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={E4A652BF-C210-4A45-95C4-5DC875B4880B},KeyPath=D:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:302]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={6F6925C0-4D1F-4A1E-A4A9-BC83EB88637A},KeyPath=D:\Jenkins\,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:318]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={9D0DEE31-5560-4FDD-8A73-236A4102BFE0},KeyPath=D:\Jenkins\,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:318]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=StopServices,Description=Stopping services,Template=Service: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:334]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=2,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=1300000)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:334]: Executing op: ServiceControl(,Name=Jenkins,Action=2,Wait=1,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:334]: Executing op: ServiceControl(,Name=Jenkins,Action=2,Wait=1,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:349]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CreateFolders,Description=Creating folders,Template=Folder: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:349]: Executing op: FolderCreate(Folder=D:\Jenkins\,Foreign=0,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:364]: Executing op: FolderCreate(Folder=D:\Jenkins\,Foreign=0,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:364]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallFiles,Description=Copying new files,Template=File: [1],  Directory: [9],  Size: [6])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:364]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=99029960,Type=0,ByteEquivalent=1)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:380]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=D:\Jenkins\)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:396]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PFiles\Jenkins\)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:396]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: ,MediaCabinet=Jenkins.cab,BytesPerTick=65536,CopierType=2,ModuleFileName=C:\Windows\Installer\7bed9.msi,,,,,IsFirstPhysicalMedia=1)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:411]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ms03py01.con|jenkins.exe.config,SourceCabKey=jenkins.exe.config,DestName=jenkins.exe.config,Attributes=512,FileSize=219,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,HashOptions=0,HashPart1=1464344297,HashPart2=549626716,HashPart3=364487541,HashPart4=-1828869011,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:411]: File: D:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe.config;	To be installed;	Won't patch;	No existing file
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:411]: Source for file 'jenkins.exe.config' is compressed
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:427]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Jenkins.war,SourceCabKey=Jenkins.war,DestName=Jenkins.war,Attributes=512,FileSize=98406337,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,HashOptions=0,HashPart1=1027281982,HashPart2=1537494737,HashPart3=-1864231510,HashPart4=1075903028,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:443]: File: D:\Jenkins\Jenkins.war;	To be installed;	Won't patch;	No existing file
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:443]: Source for file 'Jenkins.war' is compressed
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:599]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=jenkins.exe,SourceCabKey=JenkinsExe,DestName=jenkins.exe,Attributes=512,FileSize=620544,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=0,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:614]: File: D:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe;	To be installed;	Won't patch;	No existing file
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:614]: Source for file 'JenkinsExe' is compressed
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:630]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=jenkins.xml,SourceCabKey=JenkinsXml,DestName=jenkins.xml,Attributes=512,FileSize=2860,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,HashOptions=0,HashPart1=336444339,HashPart2=23280893,HashPart3=-796317915,HashPart4=-16406278,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:646]: File: D:\Jenkins\jenkins.xml;	To be installed;	Won't patch;	No existing file
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:661]: Source for file 'JenkinsXml' is compressed
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:677]: Executing op: CacheSizeFlush(,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:677]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:03:693]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=SetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=WixQuietExec64,CustomActionData="C:\Windows\system32\icacls.exe" "D:\Jenkins" /inheritance:r /grant *S-1-5-19:(OI)(CI)(F) /grant *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)(F) /grant *S-1-5-18:(OI)(CI)(F))
MSI (s) (6C:7C) [22:42:03:708]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSID42B.tmp, Entrypoint: WixQuietExec64
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:03:708]: Generating random cookie.
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:03:724]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 3484 (0xD9C).
MSI (s) (6C:B8) [22:42:03:755]: Running as a service.
MSI (s) (6C:B8) [22:42:03:771]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Elevated Non-remapped custom action server.
WixQuietExec64:  processed file: D:\Jenkins
WixQuietExec64:  Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:130]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ExecXmlFile,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:146]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=ExecXmlFile,ActionType=11265,Source=BinaryData,Target=**********,CustomActionData=**********)
MSI (s) (6C:14) [22:42:04:146]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSID5F1.tmp, Entrypoint: ExecXmlFile
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:209]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=WriteRegistryValues,Description=Writing system registry values,Template=Key: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:209]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=6,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:224]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins,,BinaryType=1,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:224]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InstallLocation,Value=D:\Jenkins\,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:240]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Port,Value=8080,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:240]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SU,Value=DeveloperNonadmin,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:255]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SP,Value=01000000D08C9DDF0115D1118C7A00C04FC297EB01000000572E590D02849A44AEA46DCE048C914904000000020000000000106600000001000020000000097DE9BFE861EEE17050A25AA9504919E9DFE669A6881EAD17CB2E5D91ED553F000000000E8000000002000020000000BC2BE7E0213BB558FE2D615770EE666360C638EC5B4F1B50B452182B55D9501710000000D4E4A0957E01C1E00F824BEAD9F2F443400000009D11594590C5DF2EAAAAD70D952B600D74D24DA3771548A0851D4912809525B0E1982BDD5D7D536A625CF51BF5CB7A85EB1DEB407C88E9C051A0014780DED7DB,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:255]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=JenkinsRoot,Value=%LocalAppData%\Jenkins\,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:255]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=JavaHome,Value=C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11-jre\,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:271]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallServices,Description=Installing new services,Template=Service: [2])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:271]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=1300000)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:287]: Executing op: ServiceInstall(Name=Jenkins,DisplayName=Jenkins,ImagePath=D:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe,ServiceType=16,StartType=2,ErrorControl=1,,Dependencies=[~],,StartName=DeveloperNonadmin,Password=**********,Description=Jenkins Automation Server,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:302]: Product: Jenkins 2.401.2 -- Error 1923. Service 'Jenkins' (Jenkins) could not be installed.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:302]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=StartServices,Description=Starting services,Template=Service: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:302]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=1300000)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:04:318]: Executing op: ServiceControl(,Name=Jenkins,Action=1,Wait=1,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:380]: Product: Jenkins 2.401.2 -- Error 1920. Service 'Jenkins' (Jenkins) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

Action ended 22:42:34: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:396]: Note: 1: 2265 2:  3: -2147287035 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:412]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:412]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:427]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:427]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=500,Timestamp=1458419010,LangId=1033,Platform=589824,ScriptType=2,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:442]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:442]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Jenkins 2.401.2)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:458]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:458]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=StartServices,Description=Starting services,Template=Service: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:474]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A},ProductName=Jenkins 2.401.2,PackageName=jenkins.msi,Language=1033,Version=50270124,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,ProductIcon=installer.ico,,PackageCode={71C27E7B-07B0-4B89-940E-9B644E3B92ED},,,InstanceType=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:474]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallServices,Description=Installing new services,Template=Service: [2])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:489]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=WriteRegistryValues,Description=Writing system registry values,Template=Key: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:489]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins,,BinaryType=1,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:505]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=JavaHome,Value=C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11-jre\,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:505]: Executing op: RegCreateKey()
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:521]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=JenkinsRoot,Value=%LocalAppData%\Jenkins\,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:521]: Executing op: RegCreateKey()
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:521]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=SP,Value=01000000D08C9DDF0115D1118C7A00C04FC297EB01000000572E590D02849A44AEA46DCE048C914904000000020000000000106600000001000020000000097DE9BFE861EEE17050A25AA9504919E9DFE669A6881EAD17CB2E5D91ED553F000000000E8000000002000020000000BC2BE7E0213BB558FE2D615770EE666360C638EC5B4F1B50B452182B55D9501710000000D4E4A0957E01C1E00F824BEAD9F2F443400000009D11594590C5DF2EAAAAD70D952B600D74D24DA3771548A0851D4912809525B0E1982BDD5D7D536A625CF51BF5CB7A85EB1DEB407C88E9C051A0014780DED7DB,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:536]: Executing op: RegCreateKey()
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:552]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=SU,Value=DeveloperNonadmin,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:552]: Executing op: RegCreateKey()
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:552]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=Port,Value=8080,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:568]: Executing op: RegCreateKey()
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:583]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=InstallLocation,Value=D:\Jenkins\,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:583]: Executing op: RegRemoveKey()
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:583]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Jenkins\InstalledProducts\Jenkins 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:599]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ExecXmlFile,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:599]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SetDirectoryPermissionsLocalSystem,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:615]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallFiles,Description=Copying new files,Template=File: [1],  Directory: [9],  Size: [6])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:615]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=D:\Jenkins\)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:615]: Executing op: FileRemove(,FileName=D:\Jenkins\jenkins.xml,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:633]: Executing op: FileRemove(,FileName=D:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:633]: Executing op: FileRemove(,FileName=D:\Jenkins\Jenkins.war,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:649]: Executing op: FileRemove(,FileName=D:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe.config,,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:661]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CreateFolders,Description=Creating folders,Template=Folder: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:661]: Executing op: FolderCreate(Folder=D:\Jenkins\,Foreign=0,SecurityDescriptor=BinaryData,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:677]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:677]: Executing op: FolderRemove(Folder=D:\Jenkins\,Foreign=0)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:677]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:693]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=StopServices,Description=Stopping services,Template=Service: [1])
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:693]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ProcessComponents,Description=Updating component registration,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:708]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={9D0DEE31-5560-4FDD-8A73-236A4102BFE0},ProductKey={530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A},BinaryType=1,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:725]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={6F6925C0-4D1F-4A1E-A4A9-BC83EB88637A},ProductKey={530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A},BinaryType=1,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:725]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={E4A652BF-C210-4A45-95C4-5DC875B4880B},ProductKey={530F437D-CBF1-4F12-A45E-820E22B4501A},BinaryType=1,)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:725]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=0)
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:741]: Error in rollback skipped.	Return: 5
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:755]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:756]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:756]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:772]: Unlocking Server
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:786]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted property. Its current value is '1'.
Action ended 22:42:34: INSTALL. Return value 3.
=== Logging stopped: 7/13/2023  22:42:34 ===
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:802]: Note: 1: 1708 
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:802]: Product: Jenkins 2.401.2 -- Installation failed.

MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:818]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Jenkins 2.401.2. Product Version: 2.255.4012. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Jenkins Project. Installation success or error status: 1603.

MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:833]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
MSI (s) (6C:E4) [22:42:34:833]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:849]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:849]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:865]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:865]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:880]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:880]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:896]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:896]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (s) (6C:58) [22:42:34:911]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (6C:78) [22:42:34:911]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:42:34:927]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (BC:70) [22:42:34:927]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 7/13/2023  22:42:34 ===