17:46:55  [a] Searching for all files in '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline' that match the pattern 'a.xml'
17:46:55  [a] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
17:46:55  [a] -> found 1 file
17:46:55  [a] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline/a.xml
17:46:55  [a] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
17:46:55  [a] Successfully processed file 'a.xml'
17:46:55  [a] Skipping post processing
17:46:55  [a] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
17:46:55  [a] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
17:46:55  [a] Searching for all files in '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline' that match the pattern 'a.xml'
17:46:55  [a] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
17:46:55  [a] -> found 1 file
17:46:55  [a] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline/a.xml
17:46:55  [a] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
17:46:55  [a] Successfully processed file 'a.xml'
17:46:55  [a] Skipping post processing
17:46:55  [a] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
17:46:55  [a] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
17:46:55  [a] Reference build recorder is not configured
17:46:55  [a] No valid reference build found
17:46:55  [a] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
17:46:55  [a] No quality gates have been set - skipping
17:46:55  [a] Health report is disabled - skipping
17:46:55  [a] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
17:46:55  [a] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'a' to build 'test-pipeline #242'.
17:46:55  [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[Pipeline] recordIssues
17:46:55  [b] Searching for all files in '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline' that match the pattern 'b.xml'
17:46:55  [b] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
17:46:55  [b] -> found 1 file
17:46:55  [b] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline/b.xml
17:46:55  [b] -> found 1 issue (skipped 0 duplicates)
17:46:55  [b] Successfully processed file 'b.xml'
17:46:55  [b] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
17:46:55  [b] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
17:46:55  [b] -> no SCM found
17:46:55  [b] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline'
17:46:55  [b] -> none of the issues requires resolving of paths
17:46:55  [b] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or Manifest.mf files)
17:46:55  [b] -> resolved module names for 1 issues
17:46:55  [b] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
17:46:55  [b] -> resolved package names of 1 affected files
17:46:55  [b] No filter has been set, publishing all 1 issues
17:46:55  [b] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
17:46:55  [b] -> created fingerprints for 0 issues (skipped 1 issues)
17:46:55  [b] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/test-pipeline/builds/242/files-with-issues'
17:46:55  [b] -> 0 copied, 0 not in workspace, 1 not-found, 0 with I/O error
17:46:55  [b] Skipping cleaning of source code files in old builds
17:46:55  [b] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
17:46:55  [b] Searching for all files in '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline' that match the pattern 'b.xml'
17:46:55  [b] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
17:46:55  [b] -> found 1 file
17:46:55  [b] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline/b.xml
17:46:55  [b] -> found 1 issue (skipped 0 duplicates)
17:46:55  [b] Successfully processed file 'b.xml'
17:46:55  [b] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
17:46:55  [b] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
17:46:55  [b] -> no SCM found
17:46:55  [b] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test-pipeline'
17:46:55  [b] -> none of the issues requires resolving of paths
17:46:55  [b] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or Manifest.mf files)
17:46:55  [b] -> resolved module names for 1 issues
17:46:55  [b] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
17:46:55  [b] -> resolved package names of 1 affected files
17:46:55  [b] No filter has been set, publishing all 1 issues
17:46:55  [b] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
17:46:55  [b] -> created fingerprints for 0 issues (skipped 1 issues)
17:46:55  [b] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/test-pipeline/builds/242/files-with-issues'
17:46:55  [b] -> 0 copied, 0 not in workspace, 1 not-found, 0 with I/O error
17:46:55  [b] Skipping cleaning of source code files in old builds
17:46:55  [b] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
17:46:55  [b] Reference build recorder is not configured
17:46:55  [b] No valid reference build found
17:46:55  [b] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
17:46:55  [b] No quality gates have been set - skipping
17:46:55  [b] Health report is disabled - skipping
17:46:55  [b] Created analysis result for 1 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
17:46:55  [b] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'b' to build 'test-pipeline #242'.
17:46:55  [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.