Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver. 1.436
Android Emulator Plugin 1.18
The Android Emulator Plugin doesn't work with the latest version of Android.
Reproducible with the following emulator configuration:
Android OS version: Android-14
Density: 160
Resolution: HVGA
The following error is showing in the log:
Started by upstream project "BlockCrusher-Monkey" build number 12 [android] Using Android SDK: /opt/android-sdk-linux/ [android] Creating Android AVD: /var/lib/jenkins/.android/avd/hudson_en-US_160_HVGA_android-14.avd Error: This platform has more than one ABI. Please specify one using --abi. [android] Could not create Android emulator: Failed to run AVD creation command Finished: NOT_BUILT
I downloaded all available packages into the Android SDK.