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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-40984

A failure in post/always should not prevent the post/failure block to be called


      Hey o/ ,

      If there's an error in some step of the post/always {} block, it seems like this will stop the processing of the post sub-steps.
      I put it Critical, but it almost seems like a blocker: this seems a common use case and counter-intuitive, so I hope you'll agree this is not expected/intended.

      Typical case:

      • I want to always generate some reports (junit, say)
      • I want to notify people *only* on failure

      If something goes wrong in always, still the failure notification should go out for instance.

      Reproduction code:

      pipeline {
          agent {
              label 'linux'
          post {
              always {
                  echo "ALWAYS THE SUN!!!"
                  junit '**/nonexisting_to_make_this_fail/*.xml'
              failure {
                  echo "WE FAILED MISERABLY! I won't be shown because junit step failed above"
          stages {
              stage('bim') {
                  steps {
                      sh "echo bonjour"
                      sh "exit 1"

            abayer Andrew Bayer
            batmat Baptiste Mathus
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            5 Start watching this issue
