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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-44644

SSE Events ignored on activity page when a custom Org factory is used


    • Blue Ocean 1.1, Blue Ocean 1.1

      When a custom OrganizationFactory is registered SSE events are not processed correctly in the Activity page (re-running an existent build does not update the UI).

      The event is delivered but some specific data must be wrong, I suspect it is the organization not being correctly computed (I've removed my custom OrganizationFactory for testing and it fixes the issue). FWIW my org factory is just setting the Organization root as a specific folder inside the Jenkins instance (instead of the Jenkins root folder), in the screencast "AnotherTeam" is the root of my organization (returned on OrganizationFactory.get(String) wrapped in a BlueOrganization object).

            vivek Vivek Pandey
            amuniz Antonio Muñiz
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
