Resolution: Fixed
Blue Ocean 1.4 - beta 3
Skipped parallel stages show up as "successful" rather than "not built".
They also do not have the expected visual treatment (e.g. fadeout the connected line).
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Run Tests') { parallel { stage('Test On Windows') { when { branch 'cake' } steps { echo 'hello world' } } stage('Test On Linux') { steps { echo 'hello world' } } } } } }
Started by user admin [Pipeline] node Running on master in /Users/jdumay/.jenkins/workspace/JENKINS-47219 [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Run Tests) [Pipeline] parallel [Pipeline] [Test On Windows] { (Branch: Test On Windows) [Pipeline] [Test On Linux] { (Branch: Test On Linux) [Pipeline] [Test On Windows] stage [Pipeline] [Test On Windows] { (Test On Windows) [Pipeline] [Test On Linux] stage [Pipeline] [Test On Linux] { (Test On Linux) Stage 'Test On Windows' skipped due to when conditional [Pipeline] [Test On Windows] } [Pipeline] [Test On Windows] // stage [Pipeline] [Test On Windows] } [Pipeline] [Test On Linux] echo [Test On Linux] hello world [Pipeline] [Test On Linux] } [Pipeline] [Test On Linux] // stage [Pipeline] [Test On Linux] } [Pipeline] // parallel [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS
Original Request
If conditional step in parallelĀ is skipped, it is still rendered as executed, just without steps.
See attached images.