Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins server v2.89.2
Git plugin v3.8.0
Git client plugin v2.7.1
GitHub plugin v1.29.0
GitHub API plugin v1.90
GitHub Pull Request Builder v1.40.0
I have two jobs defined that each build a specific branch (master and 0.0.1) within a github enterprise repo that I'm using for testing. Build triggering is defined on each one to build when a push is done, and I have configured my github repo with the required webhook. The webhook is in fact working as the jenkins server logs a message when the webhook POST is received.
The problem is that when I push a commit to either branch (0.0.1 or master), then BOTH jobs are kicked off. When looking at the polling log info for each of the jobs that are kicked off I see something like this:
Started on Apr 9, 2018 4:24:11 PM Started by event from ⇒
on Mon Apr 09 16:24:11 UTC 2018 Workspace is offline. Scheduling a new build to get a workspace. (nonexisting_workspace) Done. Took 0 ms Changes found
This looks like the git plugin is performing the non-remote polling which requires a workspace, rather than remote polling which would not. I have not configured the "Force polling using workspace" additional behavior for either of these jobs.
One additional detail... Build agents are allocated from a docker swarm using a docker container/image which is wiped clean after each build is finished, so each new build effectively gets assigned to a "clean" agent. For this reason, we cannot use the workspace-based polling and must use the remote polling.
How can I ensure that remote polling is performed by default? Is there a way to enable additional logging on the Jenkins server to try to determine why the default remote polling is apparently not performed or is perhaps encountering an error?