Resolution: Unresolved
I upgraded jenkins master to 2.107.2 LTS on a system with Mac OS High Sierra 10.13. After running some DSL jobs, when I try to redirect to the pages of some Views built with build-pipeline-view plugin at localhost:8080, I get the error added below in comments. I do not have disk-usage-plugin installed.
The list of plugins installed are
Name ↓ | Version | Enabled |
ace-editor | 1.1 | true |
ansicolor | 0.5.0 | true |
ant | 1.8 | true |
antisamy-markup-formatter | 1.5 | true |
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api | 4.5.3-2.1 | true |
authentication-tokens | 1.3 | true |
aws-credentials | 1.23 | true |
aws-java-sdk | 1.11.264 | true |
bouncycastle-api | 2.16.1 | true |
branch-api | 2.0.9 | true |
build-blocker-plugin | 1.7.3 | true |
build-name-setter | 1.6.7 | true |
build-pipeline-plugin | 1.5.8 | true |
build-timeout | 1.19 | true |
build-user-vars-plugin | 1.5 | true |
chucknorris | 1.1 | true |
cloudbees-folder | 6.0.4 | true |
command-launcher | 1.2 | true |
compress-buildlog | 1.2 | true |
conditional-buildstep | 1.3.5 | true |
config-file-provider | 2.16.2 | true |
credentials | 2.1.16 | true |
credentials-binding | 1.15 | true |
datadog | 0.5.7 | true |
description-setter | 1.10 | true |
display-url-api | 2.0 | true |
docker-commons | 1.10 | true |
docker-workflow | 1.14 | true |
durable-task | 1.17 | true |
ec2 | 1.38 | true |
envinject | 2.1.5 | true |
envinject-api | 1.5 | true |
external-monitor-job | 1.7 | true |
flexible-publish | 0.15.2 | true |
git | 3.8.0 | true |
git-client | 2.7.1 | true |
git-parameter | 0.8.0 | true |
git-server | 1.7 | true |
github | 1.28.1 | true |
github-api | 1.90 | true |
github-branch-source | 2.3.1 | true |
google-login | 1.3.1 | true |
greenballs | 1.15 | true |
handlebars | 1.1.1 | true |
icon-shim | 2.0.3 | true |
jackson2-api | 2.7.3 | true |
javadoc | 1.4 | true |
job-dsl | 1.63 | true |
jobConfigHistory | 2.16 | true |
jquery | 1.12.4-0 | true |
jquery-detached | 1.2.1 | true |
jsch | | true |
junit | 1.24 | true |
ldap | 1.15 | true |
mailer | 1.21 | true |
managed-scripts | 1.3 | true |
matrix-auth | 1.6 | true |
matrix-project | 1.12 | true |
maven-plugin | 3.0 | true |
momentjs | 1.1.1 | true |
node-iterator-api | 1.5.0 | true |
pagerduty | 0.2.5 | true |
pam-auth | 1.3 | true |
parameterized-trigger | 2.35.1 | true |
pipeline-build-step | 2.5.1 | true |
pipeline-github | 1.0 | true |
pipeline-graph-analysis | 1.3 | true |
pipeline-input-step | 2.8 | true |
pipeline-milestone-step | 1.3.1 | true |
pipeline-model-api | 1.1.4 | true |
pipeline-model-declarative-agent | 1.1.1 | true |
pipeline-model-definition | 1.1.4 | true |
pipeline-model-extensions | 1.1.4 | true |
pipeline-rest-api | 2.8 | true |
pipeline-stage-step | 2.2 | true |
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata | 1.1.4 | true |
pipeline-stage-view | 2.8 | true |
plain-credentials | 1.4 | true |
postbuild-task | 1.8 | true |
postbuildscript | 2.5.1 | true |
rebuild | 1.27 | true |
robot | 1.6.4 | true |
ruby-runtime | 0.12 | true |
run-condition | 1.0 | true |
rvm | 0.6 | true |
scm-api | 2.2.6 | true |
script-security | 1.40 | true |
slack | 2.2 | true |
ssh | 2.5 | true |
ssh-credentials | 1.13 | true |
ssh-slaves | 1.25.1 | true |
structs | 1.10 | true |
timestamper | 1.8.8 | true |
token-macro | 2.1 | true |
windows-slaves | 1.3.1 | true |
workflow-aggregator | 2.5 | true |
workflow-api | 2.25 | true |
workflow-basic-steps | 2.4 | true |
workflow-cps | 2.36.1 | true |
workflow-cps-global-lib | 2.8 | true |
workflow-durable-task-step | 2.18 | true |
workflow-job | 2.11 | true |
workflow-multibranch | 2.14 | true |
workflow-scm-step | 2.6 | true |
workflow-step-api | 2.14 | true |
workflow-support | 2.18 | true |
I tried debugging by downgrading the build-pipeline-plugin to, and 1.5.7. The problem persists.
- is related to
JENKINS-51997 BuildPipelinePlugin - After upgrade to 2.121.1 the build pipeline view fails to load
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