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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-63063

Metadata can't be parsed from AAB obfuscated with DexGuard


      From a bug report on the AAB parsing lib we use.

      The bundle manifest is "obfuscated" by using the Android resource IDs for XML attributes, rather than the plaintext attribute names, e.g.:

      <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" _0x0101021c_="" _0x01010572_="29" _0x01010573_="10" android:installLocation="0" android:versionCode="160500001" package="x.y.z" platformBuildVersionCode="29" platformBuildVersionName="10">
          <uses-sdk _0x0101020c_="23" _0x01010270_="29"/>
          <uses-permission _0x01010003_="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
          <uses-permission _0x01010003_="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

      This means that the bundle parser returns empty or default value for properties like `versionCode`. The application ID should still be parseable, and uploads should presumably work, but I imagine we show the wrong information in the console log for `versionCode` (i.e. `0`), which can also have knock-on effects for other plugin features.

      We should try and fix the parser, and integrate a new release into this plugin.

            orrc Christopher Orr
            orrc Christopher Orr
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