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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-66881

Error using before/after token Confluence Publisher Plugin



      I am struggling with Confluence Publisher Plugin using before/after token macro.


      I did the following steps:

      1) added the before/after token macro in Confluence as mentioned in the documentation

      2) add the macro in a Confluence page with id "test"

      2) use the following in Jenkinsfile:

      publishConfluence editorList: [confluenceAfterToken(generator: confluenceText('add new text here'), markerToken: 'test')], pageName: 'Test Confluence Publisher', parentId: 123456789, siteName: 'mysitename', spaceName: myspacename'


      Result: the macro got a new id "testadd new text here" 


      Is the before/after token mechanism outdated or do I something wrong?

      Thanks for your support.


      Jenkins 2.303.1

      Confluence Publisher 2.0.6

      Confluence 7.4.0



            jhansche Joe Hansche
            rueckschloss Ramona Rueckschloss
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            2 Start watching this issue
