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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-68765

Public Fork Not Discovered with Github Organization Repository Source


      Using an Organization Folder with a Github Organization repository source, I am unable to discover a repository that is a public fork from another organization. (sample repo: https://github.com/salsify/ember-block-slots)


      I have tried all combinations of settings with no luck. The Scan Organization Logs have no mention of the repository in question, which leads me to believe it is some sort of filtering the api client is using.

      If I add the repository as a Single Repository, with the exact HTTPS url, I am able to discover the repository.

      Is this expected behavior? See the attached image of my folder config, which is just checking for repositories with a topic (which the repo has, and this works for all our other repositories.)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            joshphp Josh Branham
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