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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-70022

Last breadcrumb entry is no longer a clickable link - use Ctrl-R to refresh the current page


      The last breadcrumb entry at the top of the Jenkins 2.375 job page is not a clickable link any longer. It was a clickable link in Jenkins 2.361.3 and has been a clickable link for a long time.

      The preceding links in the breadcrumb trail are still clickable links. The drop down chevron on the last breadcrumb entry also provides clickable links. Only the last breadcrumb entry itself is no longer a clickable link.

      Job page before (Jenkins 2.361.3 as on ci.jenkins.io)

      Job page after (Jenkins 2.375 and later as on weekly.ci.jenkins.io)

      Folder page before (Jenkins 2.361.3 as on ci.jenkins.io)

      Folder page after (Jenkins 2.375 and later as on weekly.ci.jenkins.io)

      I use those links very frequently to refresh the content of the current page. It is disruptive to no longer be able to refresh the current page by clicking the link.

      I realize that I could navigate higher to the refresh bar of the web browser, but that is not what I'm accustomed to doing, so it will take some retraining to use that. I also realize that I should probably report enhancement requests or issues for those components that are not using AJAX calls to update the page content, since it would be best to have the page content refresh itself without me refreshing the page. However, I've not done that and even if I had, I would not see the benefit that users gain by having the final breadcrumb link removed.

      I considered listing this as something less than major, but realized during my use of Jenkins 2.375 that I click that final breadcrumb link so frequently that it was a distraction to not have the link on the last entry in the breadcrumb bar.

      Expected Result

      The last entry in the breadcrumb bar should be clickable as the other entries in the breadcrumb bar are and as it has been clickable in previous releases.

      Actual Result

      The last entry in the breadcrumb bar is not clickable. That is different than the other entries in the breadcrumb bar and different from previous releases.

        1. after-job-1.png
          20 kB
        2. before-job-1.png
          20 kB
        3. folder-after.png
          20 kB
        4. folder-before.png
          23 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            markewaite Mark Waite
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