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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-72281

Latest SSH Steps Plugin update causes algorithm negotiation failure due to JSch incompatibility


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • Jenkins Version: 2.414.3
      SSH-Pipline-Steps-Plugin Version: 2.0.68.va_d21a_12a_6476


      The most recent update of the SSH Steps Plugin has led to an algorithm negotiation failure during build executions. This failure is due to a newly introduced dependency on JSch, which no longer supports the SSH-RSA algorithm. The workaround solutions provided in the JSch documentation (found here: https://github.com/mwiede/jsch#fork-of-jsch-0155) to manually re-enable SSH-RSA do not resolve the issue. Our builds are dependent on SSH-RSA as the devices on which they are executed only support this algorithm.


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Update the SSH Steps Plugin to the latest version.
      2. Execute a build that requires an SSH connection to a device that only supports SSH-RSA.
      3. Observe the error in the build log indicating an algorithm negotiation failure.


      Expected Results:

      The build should establish a successful SSH connection using the SSH-RSA algorithm.


      Actual Results:

      The build fails with a com.jcraft.jsch.JSchAlgoNegoFailException, indicating a failure to negotiate the algorithm for server_host_key, with JSch proposing several algorithms but not matching with the server's proposal of "ssh-rsa".

      Error Log:

      19:03:15 com.jcraft.jsch.JSchAlgoNegoFailException: Algorithm negotiation fail: algorithmName="server_host_key" jschProposal="ssh-ed25519,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256" serverProposal="ssh-rsa" 

      Related Links:

            nrayapati Naresh Rayapati
            ivanp Ivan
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