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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-72644

Organization folder scan error when using team slug


      We are trying to integrate our Jenkins with GitHub. Initially I created a personal access token in GitHub and set up the credentials in Jenkins. This worked fine until  we wanted to filter by team. When I specified the team in the team-slug option, I got the below error:
      "Resource not accessible by personal access token"
      I then followed your instructions to create a GitHub app. I still can't get the app to work with the team filter. I get the below error when I specify the team slug (team name from the URL). Other filters like repository wild cards etc. work fine.
      FATAL: Failed to recompute children of CPI - GitHub java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://api.github.com/orgs/Surescripts/teams/<team-slug> at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler$1.onError(GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler.java:60) at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.detectKnownErrors(GitHubClient.java:473) at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.sendRequest(GitHubClient.java:434) Caused: org.kohsuke.github.GHFileNotFoundException: https://api.github.com/orgs/Surescripts/teams/<team-slug>

      {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"[https://docs.github.com/rest/teams/teams#get-a-team-by-name]"}

      I have tried giving the app org and repo admin permissions, but that didn't help.
      Plugin version - 1741.va_3028eb_9fd21
      Jenkins 2.414.3

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            krishnasrao Krishna
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