pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Parallel Stage') { failFast true parallel { stage('Mac') { agent any options { timestamps() skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { echo 'Mac stage' sleep time: 60, unit: 'SECONDS' echo 'Mac stage done' } post { failure { echo " **** Mac FAILURE **** " } always { echo " **** Mac ALWAYS ****" } aborted { echo " **** Mac Aborted **** " } } } stage('Linux') { agent any options { skipDefaultCheckout() } stages { stage ('Linux Setup') { steps { sleep time: 5, unit: 'SECONDS' // the following line will cause the stage to fail sh "ls -la /xyz" } } stage ('Linux Deps Check') { steps { echo 'Linux deps check' } } } post { failure { echo " **** Linux build failed **** " } always { echo " **** Linux ALWAYS POST ****" } aborted { echo " **** Linux Aborted POST **** " } } } } } } post { failure { echo " **** Pipeline FAILURE **** " } always { echo " **** Pipeline ALWAYS ****" } aborted { echo " **** Pipeline Aborted **** " } } }