Jira Concepts - Issues
Jira tracks issues, which can be bugs, feature requests, or any other tasks you want to track.
Each issue has a variety of associated information including:
- the issue type
- a summary
- a description of the issue
- the project which the issue belongs to
- components within a project which are associated with this issue
- versions of the project which are affected by this issue
- versions of the project which will resolve the issue
- the environment in which it occurs
- a priority for being fixed
- an assigned developer to work on the task
- a reporter - the user who entered the issue into the system
- the current status of the issue
- a full history log of all field changes that have occurred
- a comment trail added by users
- if the issue is resolved - the resolution
Issue Types
Jira can be used to track many different types of issues. The currently defined issue types are listed below. In addition, you can add more in the administration section.
Security Vulnerability
- Suspected or confirmed specific issue in Jenkins or a plugin
Dependency Problem
- A dependency of Jenkins, a plugin, or a library included with either has known security problems. It is unclear whether it affects Jenkins or the plugin.
Investigation Task
- Activity that typically aims to discover security vulnerabilities
- A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.
- Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a big user story that needs to be broken down.
- Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story.
New Feature
- A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.
- A task that needs to be done.
- An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task.
Priority Levels
An issue has a priority level which indicates its importance. The currently defined priorities are listed below. In addition, you can add more priority levels in the administration section.
- Blocks development and/or testing work, production could not run.
- Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak.
- Major loss of function.
- Minor loss of function, or other problem where easy workaround is present.
- Cosmetic problem like misspelt words or misaligned text.
Status Categories
Helps identify where an issue is in its lifecycle.
Issues move from To Do to In Progress when work starts on them, and later move to Done when all work is complete.
- Done
Represents anything for which work has been completed
- In Progress
Represents anything in the process of being worked on
- No Category
A category is yet to be set for this status
- To Do
Represents anything new
Issue Statuses
Each issue has a status, which indicates the stage of the issue. In the default workflow, issues start as being Open, progressing to In Progress, Resolved and then Closed. Other workflows may have other status transitions.
- Untriaged
- New issue sits in this state until a developer agrees that this is a security issue
- Open
- The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.
- In Progress
- This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee.
- Reopened
- This issue was once resolved, but the resolution was deemed incorrect. From here issues are either marked assigned or resolved.
- In Review
- Fix Prepared
- A fix is implemented and is waiting for the next security release
- Verified
- Verified
- In Design
- In Design Review
- Fixed but Unreleased
- This change has been implemented and merged, but not yet released.
- Resolved
- A developer had implemented a fix and is waiting for a feedback from the reporter.
- Closed
- The issue is considered finished, the resolution is correct. Issues which are closed can be reopened.
- To Do
- Done
- Ready for Release
- Ready for Demo
- Won't Fix
An issue can be resolved in many ways, only one of them being "Fixed". The defined resolutions are listed below. You can add more in the administration section.
- Fixed
- A fix for this issue is checked into the tree and tested.
- Won't Fix
- The problem described is an issue which will never be fixed.
- Duplicate
- The problem is a duplicate of an existing issue.
- Incomplete
- The problem is not completely described.
- Cannot Reproduce
- All attempts at reproducing this issue failed, or not enough information was available to reproduce the issue. Reading the code produces no clues as to why this behavior would occur. If more information appears later, please reopen the issue.
- Postponed
- Postponed. Could be used for suspended plugins, with a PR like https://github.com/jenkins-infra/repository-permissions-updater/pull/2603 as companion
- Not A Defect
- The problem is invalid, not a bug, etc.
- Done
- Work has been completed on this issue.
- Won't Do
- This issue won't be actioned.