The core parent POM currently has many Java 8 specific elements that will need adjusting when we require Java 11.
- The core parent POM's own Jenkinsfile runs with Java 8. This needs to be updated to Java 11.
- We currently rely heavily on Animal Sniffer, including the Animal Sniffer signatures, to verify that we do not use APIs from future versions of Java. Since this functionality is handled by the -release flag in newer version of Java, we should remove all references to Animal Sniffer and Animal Snfiffer signatures.
- We currently configure Enforce Bytecode Version to enforce a maximum JDK version of Java 8. This should be updated to enforce a maximum JDK version of Java 11.
- We currently set maven.compiler.release and maven.compiler.testRelease to Java 8. When we begin requiring Java 11, these need to be changed to Java 11.
- Any Java profiles that apply only to Java 8 or below will become superfluous when we begin requiring Java 11. Such profiles can be deleted.
Fixed in jenkinsci/pom#209. Releaed in 1.77.