- JENKINS-74991Notify-error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.Collection.toArray()" because "c" is null
- JENKINS-75460Can't provision a Docker Cloud Agent with X.509 Client Certificate
- JENKINS-54928SCM changes are not noticed and SCMpoll starts the build based on the cron.
- JENKINS-75457When using Jenkins Declarative Pipeline: Jenkins Console output is blank when using input step
- JENKINS-75453Openshift sync not working after upgrade to jenkins 2.479.3
- JENKINS-75448 java. lang. CollectalStateException: Due to the lack of multi part configuration provided, parts cannot be processed
- JENKINS-75002Allow blocking EC2 public IP
- JENKINS-39107expose "Stream Codeline" as an environment variable
- JENKINS-73527Entering recommended refspec value for Gitlab job triggers an error
- JENKINS-75293Issue with Editable Email Extension Plugin After Update
- JENKINS-75406StackoverFlowError in ConjurSecretCredentials implementations
- JENKINS-53630 Error while serving any http://jenkinsURL/configSubmit
- JENKINS-75199Jenkins EC2 Plugin Unix Launcher does not support AL2023
- JENKINS-75216Unable to get password from credentials during git fetch using App password
- JENKINS-37984org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: General error during class generation: Method code too large! error in pipeline Script
- JENKINS-75084Manage&Assign roles page not loading properly and unable to add new roles
- JENKINS-62361SonarQube QualityGate Plugin Issue
- JENKINS-69464Cannot configure msBuildSQRunnerInstallation global tool using JCASC
- JENKINS-30475bad design for Polling vs Checkout algorithms
- JENKINS-75290XLDeploy plugin not working with latest Jenkins 2.492.1 - NoClassDefFoundError
- JENKINS-75275no files to reconcile fails job in 1.17.0
- JENKINS-75269parameterized scheduler plugin issues with SCM
- JENKINS-70482java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.jclouds.softlayer.SoftLayerProviderMetadata not a subtype
- JENKINS-34984Cannot save jenkins configuration
- JENKINS-57503JiraTestResultReporter-plugin's auto resolve feature is not working
- JENKINS-75239Unable to see build step after selecting Editable Email Notification
- JENKINS-75238Unable to see build step after selecting Editable Email Notification
- JENKINS-69156build step case dead lock
- JENKINS-71360Webhook pushes doesn't trigger any job
- JENKINS-73810SystemCredentialsProvider causing slowness in jenkins UI
- JENKINS-59093MultiBranch SVN raises: java.lang.ClassCastException: [[J cannot be cast to org.mapdb.BTreeMap$BNode
- JENKINS-75186Active Directory plugin v2.38 Breaks insecure connections
- JENKINS-75195Swarm client "Attempting to reconnect" sometimes indefinitely (not bound by timeout and retry)
- JENKINS-75173From the jenkins version 2.479.1 artifactory plugin is not working as expected
- JENKINS-71972Authentication Failed with Docker image Jenkins LTS (2.414.1)
- JENKINS-74902HTML Reports empty: Only report names visible but the html is empty v1.37.0
- JENKINS-73880Not really capturing the cache
- JENKINS-75133Scriptler API - SyncUtil.syncDirWithCfg not working
- JENKINS-75094 NVD API request failures are occurring
- JENKINS-71768Race condition when copying archived artifacts in another job
- JENKINS-75139Docker workflow plugin gets wrong containerId
- JENKINS-75120[clif-performance-testing] Upgrade to Commons FileUpload 2 to comply with Jenkins CI
- JENKINS-73747Unable to Create OAuth Credentials in Jenkins (OAuth Credentials Plugin)
- JENKINS-41020CloudBees Docker Build and Publish - Environment Variables
- JENKINS-73538GKE integration issue
- JENKINS-57801Execution of post stage block is based on pipeline status, not stage result which docs says it should
- JENKINS-70071join trigger fails to even run after fresh install
- JENKINS-73390v1462.v500e7a_87cec7 no "Retry Build After Failure" toggle on project Config Page
- JENKINS-70597perforce plugin doesn't trigger Pipline project
- JENKINS-71708for every 2 to 3 builds gradle or maven artifactoryPublish gets hang post Task :artifactoryDeploy
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