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Improve error message when recursive delete fails at some fileJENKINS-73662
The workspace not getting cleaned upJENKINS-73456
Make matrix-project optional dependency of workspace cleanup pluginJENKINS-71820
Test failure of hudson.plugins.ws_cleanup.CleanupTest.reportCleanupCommandFailure on MacOSJENKINS-69499
gerrit trigger plugin behaves badly when ws-cleanup is enabledJENKINS-68362
Removing Jenkins Controller WorkspaceJENKINS-67680
Add the ablity to delete controller wsJENKINS-67643
Improve "disableDeferredWipeout" docsJENKINS-67498
cannot delete workspace using DSL factory pipelineJobJENKINS-67352
ws-cleanup plugin - jobdsl - preBuildCleanup function - no disableDeferredWipeout optionJENKINS-65793
Delete workspace before build starts - does not delete folders in workspaceJENKINS-65393
Workspace CleanUp Plugin: insert missing pipeline helpJENKINS-64779
cleanWs does not clean files containing ".." on Win2012+ machinesJENKINS-64178
Agent disconnects during a build due to JVM crashJENKINS-63840
Extreme CPU utilization leading to bad performance and failing jobsJENKINS-63310
Request preservation of git repository during cleanWs()JENKINS-62044
EXCLUDE patterns can't protect directories included by "**"JENKINS-56212
Clean up workspace by default in Jenkins core. Add option to not do thisJENKINS-55225
Dead link for WS-Cleanup version 0.37JENKINS-54278
Pipeline builds fail when cleanWs() in post stageJENKINS-53997
TFS plugin should have option to delete workspace at end of jobJENKINS-53579
Asynchronous cleanup not removing renamed workspace directories on slavesJENKINS-52269
Cleanup not working on build failureJENKINS-50901
EXCLUDE pattern fails to protect parent dir with deleteDir optionJENKINS-50797
Workspace cleanup not removing workspace job@tmp directory on slaveJENKINS-46298
Jenkins workspace-cleanup (and FilePath API) cannot delete resources with unicode namesJENKINS-33737
Consult additional environments to interpolate workspace delete commandJENKINS-33452
Workspace cleanup fails when trying to delete files with ? in name.JENKINS-32318
Workspace not deleted if empty include pattern specified.JENKINS-31303
Deleting old workspaces without access rights takes slave offlineJENKINS-30179
Exclude seems to be not workingJENKINS-30077
Expand build parametersJENKINS-28151
if node switched off after execution some garbage generatedJENKINS-22378
Workspace Cleanup Plugin fails on cygwin unix slaveJENKINS-21530
Workspace Cleanup Plugin implementationJENKINS-21321
Cleanup workspace only when previous build failedJENKINS-19853
Concurrent builds race conditions during cleanupJENKINS-19717
Unable to remove Python virtual environment when specifying includes/excludesJENKINS-19334
WS Cleanup: ability to remove directories emptied by WS cleanupJENKINS-19274
Loading overlay remains on screenJENKINS-16680
Downstream project being triggered twice since installing v0.11 version of pluginJENKINS-14875
It takes aeons to delete large workspace on slow disksJENKINS-13553
Deleting project workspace Plugin: Jenkins hudson.Util.deleteFile ErrorJENKINS-12783
Delete workspace before build starts ignores Exlude patterns (for directories)JENKINS-11054
Support policies for workspace cleanup
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