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- JENKINS-63223Windows agents won't start on 2.249
- JENKINS-63198Unable to start windows service after upgrading to 2.248
- JENKINS-51577Windows service wrapper for slave.jar can not connect to a SSL configured master
- JENKINS-47657Agent running as Windows service kills all running jobs on reconnect
- JENKINS-46968.NET Framework http connections throw 'The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel' when accessing Jenkins after 2.73.1 update
- JENKINS-46760Jenkins slave agent cannot be run as a service
- JENKINS-46215Restarting a Windows slave causes the master to shutdown
- JENKINS-46123Restart fails on Windows master with slaves connected. "SEVERE: Restarting VM as requested by username" (Windows service not running as local system account)
- JENKINS-44448Jenkins master and agents cannot be used as a service on WinServer Core and 2016 Nano
- JENKINS-43575Windows service agents and master should use the delayed start option
- JENKINS-42744Environment variables on Windows are all lowercase since 2.50
- JENKINS-39237Add option to update slave.jar in Windows Service Wrapper on startup (when Jenkins runs on HTTPS)
- JENKINS-39231WinSW: Automatically terminate runaway processes in Windows services
- JENKINS-31564Windows Slave service cannot be installed on Windows Service 2012 R2 due to the missing .NET3.5
- JENKINS-29496Windows service: Add support of the Delayed Start option
- JENKINS-26883SEVERE: Restarting VM as requested by username
- JENKINS-25582Installing Jenkins service the slave cannot re-connect after first system restart
- JENKINS-25528Reboot dialog displayed during MSI installation when upgrading
- JENKINS-24238Jenkins hangs on restart
- JENKINS-23487Add support of shared directories mapping to Windows slave services
- JENKINS-22692Jenkins Windows-Slave throwing exception on shutdown causes connection reset issues
- JENKINS-22239Doesn't create root folder when installing JNLP Windows Service
- JENKINS-22024Windows "services" shows Jenkins as not running.. but it is.
- JENKINS-17624jenkins-slave - Need a more robust wrapper for Windows services.
- JENKINS-16730Cannot install Jenkins agent in path with blanks
- JENKINS-16490New versions of Remoting should be automatically pushed to Java Web Start agents
- JENKINS-12660Fail to start the windows service when trying to launch agent node
- JENKINS-6480Slave windows service error timeout 1053 on Windows 2003
- JENKINS-2989hudson windows service is not restarted from update center after installing plugin
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