WARNING hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy#createClassJarFromWebInfClasses: Created /opt/app/jenkins/plugins/envfile/WEB-INF/lib/classes.jar; update plugin to a version created with a newer harness
The warning can be resolved by using the EnvInject plugin instead of this plugin. If you must use this plugin and cannot switch your use to the better maintained EnvInject plugin, then you can resolve the warning by following the "update parent pom" and "update Jenkins version" steps in the "Improve a plugin" tutorial. Are you interested in adopting the plugin so that the warning can be resolved?
The plugin was last released 11 years ago. Unless someone adopts it, the warning is not likely to ever be fixed.
Mark Waite
added a comment - Thanks for the report lfiorino .
The warning can be resolved by using the EnvInject plugin instead of this plugin. If you must use this plugin and cannot switch your use to the better maintained EnvInject plugin, then you can resolve the warning by following the "update parent pom" and "update Jenkins version" steps in the "Improve a plugin" tutorial. Are you interested in adopting the plugin so that the warning can be resolved?
The plugin was last released 11 years ago. Unless someone adopts it, the warning is not likely to ever be fixed.
Lou Fiorino
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Thanks for the report lfiorino.
The warning can be resolved by using the EnvInject plugin instead of this plugin. If you must use this plugin and cannot switch your use to the better maintained EnvInject plugin, then you can resolve the warning by following the "update parent pom" and "update Jenkins version" steps in the "Improve a plugin" tutorial. Are you interested in adopting the plugin so that the warning can be resolved?
The plugin was last released 11 years ago. Unless someone adopts it, the warning is not likely to ever be fixed.