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- JENKINS-60667
Jobs hanging indefinitely on ec2 slaves - JENKINS-49164
CloneWorkspaceSCM does not work in a pipeline job - JENKINS-40661
error when restoring worksapce archive - JENKINS-34182
Special clone case for multi-configuration build handling - JENKINS-30567
Flexible publish and clone workspace - JENKINS-27261
Add ability to clone a specific build number of the parent job - JENKINS-27108
Provide hyperlinks to parent clone - JENKINS-27107
Skip change log parsing - JENKINS-26058
Implement a tarball-only option for cloning the workspace - JENKINS-25462
Failed to extract workspace.tar.gz when cloning workspace - JENKINS-25376
Clonnig an archived workspace which is currently geting archived will fail - JENKINS-25374
Clonnig an archived workspace which is currently geting archived will fail - JENKINS-23587
clone parent project's workspace as build step - JENKINS-23586
replace matrix axis of cloned parent project with child project's axis - JENKINS-22272
ClassCastException from MultiSCMRevisionState to CloneWorkspaceSCM - JENKINS-20060
Use incremental copying of some sort when cloning the workspace - JENKINS-20010
Provide a download link for the generated workspace archive - JENKINS-19812
clone-workspace-scm can get confused if it isn't the last thing on the post-build actions - JENKINS-18508
Should be able to use a macro in the source job name box - JENKINS-18350
Add option for skipping copying / restoring old builds of workspaces - JENKINS-18047
NoSuchMethodError at the end of a run - JENKINS-18031
"Clone Workspace SCM" uses display name of Jenkins job to attempt to locate workspace of clone - JENKINS-16414
com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException: log : log - JENKINS-15789
Clone workspace SCM plugin does not work when the archiving is done on Windows and the cloning is done on Linux - JENKINS-15039
Performance of tar.gzip method is very slow compared to `tar -czf workspace.tgz big_workspace` - JENKINS-13160
Manually triggering a build, which clones a workspace, which is then used by the Multiple SCM Plugin causes job failure - JENKINS-12835
NullPointerException in CloneWorkspacePublisher.java:211 after upgrading to 0.4 - JENKINS-10520
clone-workspace-scm performance is poor - JENKINS-9779
Parent Project can not be defined by variable - JENKINS-9590
Two upstream builds trigger the same downstream build: Only the second upstream build's change list is made available. - JENKINS-9250
Clone workspace does not work well with multiple scm plugin - JENKINS-8008
Clone workspace deadlocks around FilePath.unzip - JENKINS-7694
Critertia is not remembered between configurations - JENKINS-7260
Clone workspace doesn't copy empty directories when cloning entire workspace - JENKINS-7140
Archive the artifacts fails, still build successful - JENKINS-6890
clone-workspace-scm doesn't work when source job is a matrix job.
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