At the moment it is not possible to use a parameter in the "Reconfigure VM" in "Edit Memory" and "Edit Cpu" because the dialogue force to use a number. something like $ram or $cpu is not saved.
We need a job to change the ram and cpu of some given vm's. The values must be choosable with choice parameters.
Re-opening as this is still (or again) an issue in vSphere plugin version 2.26 (Jenkins 2.303.2).
The fields do not allow the user to enter alphabet characters or symbols, only numerals.
Laura Gray
added a comment - Re-opening as this is still (or again) an issue in vSphere plugin version 2.26 (Jenkins 2.303.2).
The fields do not allow the user to enter alphabet characters or symbols, only numerals.
Rolf Geuenich
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Looking at the code, it looks like this was implemented some time ago.
kaltokri Can you confirm?