The color palette chosen for the Status indicator is not color-blind safe. The obvious overlay-ed symbol (check, exclamation, slash, dash) does however mitigate the problem substantially.
See additional comments regarding color choice on JENKINS-65850.
Would be nice to have standardization between this and the other UI color for status indicator elements.
ps: I like you choice of exclamation over "X" for Failed; avoids confusion, at least with the "X" - Delete or stop job, but exclamation conflicts with the pipeline graph view use of exclamation for "Unstable"
is related to
JENKINS-65850Accessibility issue - Icon / Symbol Palette colors
JENKINS-44240Green Balls colorblind support no longer works
It would also appear there's a difference between the "in progress colors and the background color of the status symbols. eg: Successful, in progress: #008000; Successful, static: #82cd20 (gradiated).
Consistent and solid colors are preferred.
Ian Williams
added a comment - It would also appear there's a difference between the "in progress colors and the background color of the status symbols. eg: Successful, in progress: #008000; Successful, static: #82cd20 (gradiated).
Consistent and solid colors are preferred.
Oliver Vinn
Ian Williams
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It would also appear there's a difference between the "in progress colors and the background color of the status symbols. eg: Successful, in progress: #008000; Successful, static: #82cd20 (gradiated).
Consistent and solid colors are preferred.