CC batmat who was working on workspaces recently.
After a quick look I see no particular reason why it should have stopped working.
jmeredith_dia which version have you been using before?
Oleg Nenashev
added a comment - CC batmat who was working on workspaces recently.
After a quick look I see no particular reason why it should have stopped working.
jmeredith_dia which version have you been using before?
Baptiste Mathus
added a comment - oleg_nenashev I think you are referring to , but then it's not even merged yet, so cannot be a potential cause.
OK, I will just assign it to plugin maintainers for now
Oleg Nenashev
added a comment - OK, I will just assign it to plugin maintainers for now
Lee Winder
Jason Meredith
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CC batmat who was working on workspaces recently.
After a quick look I see no particular reason why it should have stopped working.
jmeredith_dia which version have you been using before?