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- JENKINS-64501Cannot save configurations for any item outside of security
- JENKINS-62626Deployment of docker containers fails when Service Endpoints are used in the WebApp
- JENKINS-61364Add support for Azure Spot VMs
- JENKINS-60371Azure App Service plugin deploy via docker error
- JENKINS-57478Azure storage plugin in jenkins create folder structure on azure blob
- JENKINS-56482custom name variable seems to not working
- JENKINS-54943 "Failed to create Page Blob with script's length: 0"
- JENKINS-54776Node stays suspended after node is started
- JENKINS-52034Delete custom image on failure
- JENKINS-49021Stopped but not suspended Azure VM Agent is not restarted
- JENKINS-48901Exception regularly thrown "/var/jenkins_home/deployment.out (No such file or directory)"
- JENKINS-48345Cloud statistics is still counting the hours even after terminated the Azure VM agents
- JENKINS-48191Plugin Publish Azure Webapp - slot configuration
- JENKINS-48076Custom User Image, possibility to use azure image
- JENKINS-46421Agents stuck in 'Provisioning' mode for several days
- JENKINS-46337Template verification logs should include the verification failure reason
- JENKINS-46127Hide Admin Password from Azure Deployment Template
- JENKINS-41381Allow for passing of secrets to startup scripts
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