Hi all, I got confused of the execution of gitee-jenkins plugins:
from the png in the appendix, the left side in the pic, is nginx logs, it got 13 post requests at a short time, and peoxy it to jenkins, the right side is jenkins logs, it responsed each request but with Repeated id, which made new request body coverd old request body,. for example , id = 281338, the request in 8:11:13 coverd the request in 8:10:58. so the earlier request data is lost, only the newer request would be handled.
Normally, it should be one request one job, but in here, newer request covered the old one.
Besides, I did not set any "cancel old build" in this pipeline.
I have a few questions, what does [id=281338]mean? is it a thread id in jenkins? And what is the scheduler in jenkins(or jenkins plugin), deciding the job executor.
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