When installing Hudson on a remote host (i.e. not localhost), the "New Job" and
the "People" links do not work (they will point to localhost) in version 1.167.
After changing "\hudson\model\View\sidepanel.jelly" in the following way, it
seems to work fine:
<l:task icon="images/24x24/new-package.gif" href="${rootURL}/newJob"
title="${%New Job}" permission="${it.itemCreatePermission}" />
<l:task icon="images/24x24/setting.gif" href="${rootURL}/manage"
title="${%Manage Hudson}" permission="${app.ADMINISTER}" />
<j:if test="${it.hasPeople()}">
<l:task icon="images/24x24/user.gif" href="${rootURL}/people/" title="${%People}" />
<st:include page="sidepanel2.jelly" />