Resolution: Fixed
Ubuntu 11.04 Server 64bit
Jenkins 1.432 (deb package)
If Jenkins' HTTPS port is 80, Jenkins cannot infer his URI correctly.
Suppose that the correct URI of Jenkins is https://jenkins.local:80/,
he infers that his URI is https://jenkins.local/.
It lacks the port number 80.
How to reproduce:
- Install Ubuntu 11.04 Server 64bit
- Install Jenkins using apt
- Edit /etc/default/jenkins as following:
- JENKINS_ARGS="--webroot=/var/run/jenkins/war --httpsPort=80"
- Restart Jenkins. service jenkins restart
- Go to https://jenkins.local:80/configure
- If Jenkins URL is not empty, make it empty and save configuration
- Go to https://jenkins.local:80/configure again
- Jenkins URL on that page is https://jenkins.local/
A workaround is to set Jenkins URL explicitly.