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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-11577

Matrix axis are not recognixed as parameter


      We want to want to create a matrix job which triggers the current another job with the current matrix parameters.

      Concrete example: Our setup creation consists of two steps. The first job (prepare-setup) is to collect all the files and potentially encrypt them, the second step (setup) is to create a setup.exe. prepare-setup is a matix build with the ecryption option as its values (encrypted, unencrypted). The second job should be triggered with the encryption option as its parameter, so that we have an encryted setup (for the customers) and an unencrypted (for internal tests and debugging)

      Currenty the setup job is triggered twice, both with the value "$encryption" for the encryption parameter. (see screenshot)

        1. nonparam.png
          46 kB
          Jens Baitinger

            huybrechts huybrechts
            jotbepunkt Jens Baitinger
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