I have some problem starting parameterized build remotely:
In Jenkins I have "Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy" configured, and "Anonymous" use has Job::Read privilege set. In some Job I have "Enable project-based security" enabled and Job::Build privilege set for "Anonymous".
Now I need to start this Job remotely. - Enabling "Trigger builds remotely" and entering "Authentication Token": D8CB8833B46B4B9D8BCBB7DD4DF1A55B. I can start this Job entering next:
link into my browser.
Now adding parameter to this Job: "This build is parameterized", "String Parameter" - 'BuildName'. Trying to start Job remotely: entering next:
http:// JENKINS /job/Distribute/build?token=D8CB8833B46B4B9D8BCBB7DD4DF1A55B\&BuildName=aaa
link into the same browser. - By some reason Login Form appears, which asks me for User/Password.
Best regards...
Sorry – my mistake: completely missed “buildWithParameters” tartet.