Got the question from the irc channel, this was initially discussed on the fosdem jenkins booth.
Updating plugins doesn't work when the jenkins home directory is located on nfs, the failure looks like this
Caused by: Unable to delete /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/.nfs00000000000e897d00000096
The .nfs files appear when deleting a file on nfs that is still open, in this case the jar files in the lib directory are still open and cannot be deleted.
- is related to
JENKINS-8550 Hudson build fails with unable to delete NFS lock file
- Open
JENKINS-20732 There should not be a 'Install without Restart' button on the 'Available' (updates) tab in update center
- Resolved
JENKINS-22205 Jenkins failed to rotate log error -- unable to delete .nfsxxxxx file with NAS Build Record Root directory
- Closed
[JENKINS-12753] PluginManager.dynamicLoad on installed plugin fails on NFS with IOException not RestartRequiredException
Link | New: This issue is related to JENKINS-8550 [ JENKINS-8550 ] |
Link |
This issue is related to |
Component/s | New: core [ 15593 ] | |
Component/s | Original: plugin [ 15491 ] | |
Labels | New: lock plugin | |
Summary | Original: Instant update of plugins doesn't work in nfs directory | New: PluginManager.dynamicLoad on installed plugin fails on NFS with IOException not RestartRequiredException |
Assignee | New: Jesse Glick [ jglick ] |
This appears to indicate that we are trying to overwrite a plugin currently in use, and that won't work regardless, NFS or not.