2. The 2nd problem I guess is related to the perforce plugin itself.
It is a PATH problem when assigning PATH to p4 plugin.
I have found a workaround of the 1st problem by replacing "Z:\" into "
disk_name" like
After this replacement my Jenkins could mkdir correctly on PC 'B',
but still have problem when passing this parameter to perforce-plugin.
The string will be converted as "\NAS\PC12010025\workspace" which is not correct when p4.exe sync source code on windows system.
Whether you configured the string like "\\\\NAS\PC12010025\workspace" or "////NAS/PC12010025/workspace", it will finally converted as "\NAS\PC12010025\workspace.
The build log is as follows.
Building in workspace \\NAS\PC12010025\workspace
Using master perforce client: ws_macpaul.lin_PC12010025
[workspace] $ "C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4.exe" workspace -o ws_macpaul.lin_PC12010025
Changing P4 Client Root to: \NAS\PC12010025\workspace
Saving modified client ws_macpaul.lin_PC12010025
[workspace] $ "C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4.exe" -s client -i
Last build changeset: 869378
[workspace] $ "C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4.exe" changes -s submitted -m 1 //...
[workspace] $ "C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4.exe" -s changes -s submitted //ws_macpaul.lin_PC12010025/...@869379,@869583
Sync'ing workspace to changelist 869583.
[workspace] $ "C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4.exe" -s sync //ws_macpaul.lin_PC12010025/...@869583
The p4.exe will hang and do nothing, no source code will be checked out. I can only stop p4.exe via task manager to stop it running but didn't do any thing.
Please help to fix the Client Root from incorrect "\NAS\PC12010025\workspace" to "\\NAS\PC12020025\workspace".
Code changed in jenkins
User: Rob Petti
[FIXED JENKINS-14125] removed code that was messing up remote workspace paths