Resolution: Unresolved
Windows 7 x64.
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode).
From mailing-list entry "Verify downloaded jpi-files":
Jenkins does not seem to verify the integrity of downloaded plugins right after the download has completed. Rather, the verification is only done when attempting to install/upgrade the plugin.
This concequence of this is that corrupted plugin updates will trigger a plugin uninstall instead of upgrade. Any job-configuration related to the accidentally uninstalled plugin is then also deleted, which is pretty serious.
Steps to reproduce:
1: Create a job with a subversion working-copy workspace.
2: Configure plugin manager with invalid PROXY settings, so that non-intranet HTTP-requests returns a HTML error webpage (instead of connection refused).
3: Upgrade the subversion plugin.
4: Jenkins will download a corrupted subversion.jpi file containing HTML content without any error message.
5: Restart Jenkins.
6: Loading of subversion.jpi will fail (error log attached).
7: The subversion plugin will be uninstalled.
8. Subversion-related configuration in all jobs will be deleted!
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-23596 jenkins plugin vanished after update
- Resolved
- is related to
JENKINS-21485 AdministrativeMonitor for plugins that have failed
- Resolved