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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-14807

AbstractBuild.getEnvironment does not set EnvVars.platform and breaks EnvVars.override

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • core

      Since 1.472, calling AbstractBuild.getEnvironment(TaskListener) returns a EnvVars with EnvVars.platform unset.
      Since EnvVars.override uses EnvVars.platform (and default to UNIX style PATH separator if EnvVars.platform is null), it does not work anymore for Windows slaves.

          [JENKINS-14807] AbstractBuild.getEnvironment does not set EnvVars.platform and breaks EnvVars.override

          Nikolas Falco added a comment - - edited

          This 2012 bug hit again (nodejs plugin).
          It break all SimpleBuildWrapper that override PATH+VAR launched on node with different platform (Unix->Windows and vs).
          The issue seems to be in Run#getEnvironment(TaskListener) that returns an enviroment EnvVars not built from Computer class (the unique way to have platform field setup correctly)

               * Unlike earlier {@link #getEnvVars()}, this map contains the whole environment,
               * not just the overrides, so one can introspect values to change its behavior.
               * ...
              public @Nonnull EnvVars getEnvironment(@Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                  Computer c = Computer.currentComputer();
                  Node n = c==null ? null : c.getNode();
                  EnvVars env = getParent().getEnvironment(n,listener);

          I think that something similar fix the issue

              public @Nonnull EnvVars getEnvironment(@Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                  Computer c = Computer.currentComputer();
                  Node n = c==null ? null : c.getNode();
                  EnvVars env = c.getEnvironment();

          untill a fix is released my dirty workaround is create a EnvironmentContributor that by reflection inject correct platform value

          @Extension(ordinal = -200)
          public class FixEnvVarEnvironmentContributor extends EnvironmentContributor {
              public void buildEnvironmentFor(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Nonnull Run run, @Nonnull EnvVars envs, @Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                  Computer c = Computer.currentComputer();
                  if (c != null) {
                      Field platformField = ReflectionUtils.findField(EnvVars.class, "platform", Platform.class);
                      Platform currentPlatform = (Platform) ReflectionUtils.getField(platformField, envs);
                      if (currentPlatform == null) {
                          // try to fix value with than one that comes from current computer
                          EnvVars remoteEnv = c.getEnvironment();
                          Platform computerPlatform = (Platform) ReflectionUtils.getField(platformField, remoteEnv);
                          if (computerPlatform != null) {
                              ReflectionUtils.setField(platformField, envs, computerPlatform);

          Nikolas Falco added a comment - - edited This 2012 bug hit again (nodejs plugin). It break all SimpleBuildWrapper that override PATH+VAR launched on node with different platform (Unix->Windows and vs). The issue seems to be in Run#getEnvironment(TaskListener) that returns an enviroment EnvVars not built from Computer class (the unique way to have platform field setup correctly) Run.java * Unlike earlier {@link #getEnvVars()}, this map contains the whole environment, * not just the overrides, so one can introspect values to change its behavior. * ... */ public @Nonnull EnvVars getEnvironment(@Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Computer c = Computer.currentComputer(); Node n = c== null ? null : c.getNode(); EnvVars env = getParent().getEnvironment(n,listener); env.putAll(getCharacteristicEnvVars()); ... } I think that something similar fix the issue Run.java public @Nonnull EnvVars getEnvironment(@Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Computer c = Computer.currentComputer(); Node n = c== null ? null : c.getNode(); EnvVars env = c.getEnvironment(); env.putAll(getParent().getEnvironment(n,listener)); env.putAll(getCharacteristicEnvVars()); ... } untill a fix is released my dirty workaround is create a EnvironmentContributor that by reflection inject correct platform value FixEnvVarEnvironmentContributor.java @Extension(ordinal = -200) public class FixEnvVarEnvironmentContributor extends EnvironmentContributor { @Override public void buildEnvironmentFor(@SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" ) @Nonnull Run run, @Nonnull EnvVars envs, @Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Computer c = Computer.currentComputer(); if (c != null ) { Field platformField = ReflectionUtils.findField(EnvVars.class, "platform" , Platform.class); ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(platformField); Platform currentPlatform = (Platform) ReflectionUtils.getField(platformField, envs); if (currentPlatform == null ) { // try to fix value with than one that comes from current computer EnvVars remoteEnv = c.getEnvironment(); Platform computerPlatform = (Platform) ReflectionUtils.getField(platformField, remoteEnv); if (computerPlatform != null ) { ReflectionUtils.setField(platformField, envs, computerPlatform); } } } } }

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Nikolas Falco
          Fix for JENKINS-14807

          Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/nodejs-plugin/compare/1eeb228b9500...dfefe0c16776

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Nikolas Falco Path: src/main/java/jenkins/plugins/nodejs/tools/pathresolvers/FixEnvVarEnvironmentContributor.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/nodejs-plugin/dfefe0c16776c41a849894f8b738d52fcbb8a4ba Log: Fix for JENKINS-14807 Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/nodejs-plugin/compare/1eeb228b9500...dfefe0c16776

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Nikolas Falco
          Workaround for JENKINS-14807

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Nikolas Falco Path: src/main/java/jenkins/plugins/nodejs/tools/pathresolvers/FixEnvVarEnvironmentContributor.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/nodejs-plugin/89ec9ee9777b821a65e83f4220e0821b02606fd6 Log: Workaround for JENKINS-14807

          Nikolas Falco added a comment -

          There is a PR here with a unit test

          Nikolas Falco added a comment - There is a PR here with a unit test

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Nikolas Falco
          JENKINS-14807 Fix path separator when EnvVars overrides variable like

          The getEnvironment(Node, TaskListener) now returns an environment setup
          correctly with the platform value of the computer node where the job is

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Nikolas Falco Path: core/src/main/java/hudson/model/Job.java core/src/test/java/hudson/model/JobTest.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/cf0183d1ed1e999a04a1445b2cd369b58e1268bf Log: JENKINS-14807 Fix path separator when EnvVars overrides variable like PATH+XYZ The getEnvironment(Node, TaskListener) now returns an environment setup correctly with the platform value of the computer node where the job is executed.

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Oleg Nenashev
          Merge pull request #2936 from nfalco79/feature/JENKINS-14807

          JENKINS-14807 Fix path separator when EnvVars overrides variable like PATH+XYZ on slave node cross platform

          Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/19f2d66334cb...6595ec34d05f

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Oleg Nenashev Path: core/src/main/java/hudson/model/Job.java core/src/test/java/hudson/model/JobTest.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jenkins/6595ec34d05fe7fa170dd1481a3fb86a85796852 Log: Merge pull request #2936 from nfalco79/feature/ JENKINS-14807 JENKINS-14807 Fix path separator when EnvVars overrides variable like PATH+XYZ on slave node cross platform Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/19f2d66334cb...6595ec34d05f

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          It has been released in 2.71

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - It has been released in 2.71

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Nikolas Falco
          Remove JENKINS-14807 patch because released in Jenkins 2.71 and in 2.60.3 LTS

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Nikolas Falco Path: src/main/java/jenkins/plugins/nodejs/tools/pathresolvers/FixEnvVarEnvironmentContributor.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/nodejs-plugin/aecf8fe2f12a7c98f978c9fd1fd28cfb5cbc08a2 Log: Remove JENKINS-14807 patch because released in Jenkins 2.71 and in 2.60.3 LTS

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