Digging a bit deeper to the case that reeve lau mentioned.
Ivy job triggers a parameterized free-style job => the free-style job get only default param values
In this case the Ivy build calculates and triggers the downstream builds dependant on several conditions, these are:
do not trigger if downstream is already queued/building,
do not trigger if a upstream build of the downstream build is queued or already building.
e.g. at end of build A don't trigger Z if B is queued or building.
do not trigger if a upstream build of the downstream build is also to be triggered from this build.
e.g. at end of build A don't trigger Z if as we will trigger C which will trigger Z
do not trigger if any of the Ivy upstream projects (of the downstream project) have not completed successfully.
e.g. at end of build A don't trigger Z if B does not have a successful build.
Once all of those conditions have been met then the downstream build is triggered directly, passing the ParameterizedUpstreamCause() and no other actions. and there is no calls to the dependencies to get their input to the new build.
Issue is in code at [1]
Ivy job triggers a parameterized Ivy job => the Ivy job get only default param values
You need to set the flag "Use parameters from upstream builds" under one of the advanced sections in the "Ivy Module Configuration" section of the ivy Job. The reason for this is that it passes the parameters via a build cause that by default ignores the parameters.
Free-style job triggers a parameterized free-style job => the downstream free-style job get all param values
Free-style job triggers a parameterized Ivy job => the downstream Ivy job get all param values
These work correctly as they are being triggered from the Dependency Graph which populates the parameters correctly from the dependencies, and are passed as straight Parameter Actions. to the downstream builds.
[1] https://github.com/jenkinsci/ivy-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/hudson/ivy/AbstractIvyBuild.java#L71
Not sure if it is related, but someone else added something to the Ivy Plugin related to parameters a while back.
In the Ivy Project configuration, go to the Ivy Module Configuration section, expand the bottom-most Advanced section, and check the Use parameters from upstream builds. See if that does anything for you and let me know how it goes.