Just to add a bit more detail to the issue I'm running up against.
I'm using Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy with the Unix user/group database security realm. I have 3 groups of users. The access configuration can be seen here: http://i.imgur.com/YiIMr.png
The jenkins-user group is given access to jobs on a job-by-job basis. An example job matrix auth strategy for a project the 'jenkins-user' group has access to can be seen here: http://i.imgur.com/UW1ZK.png.
Now, if I add a view (any view but the All view) to Jenkins that contains a single project that doesn't have the "Job Read" access level checked for a member of the jenkins-user group, the jenkins-user group member gets the error as described above. If all jobs in a view have the "Job Read" acces level checked for the jenkins-user group, then all is fine and the view loads as expected.
I cannot reproduce this. Can you give me some more exact steps. Also, are you using the view-job-filters plugin?