I am guessing this is related to classes which are generated, e.g. from WSDLs. A common use case is to generate Java source files which end up in target/generated-sources/**. This folder then becomes part of the source folder of the project, and compiled as usual into target/classes and packaged as usual. But these classes should not be part of the coverage report.
In my case, I have a Maven module which only purpose is to generate such classes and package them into a jar. The module does not even have a src-folder because everything is generated from WSDLs/XSDs. The jacoco-maven-plugin correctly does not produce any jacoco.exec file for this module, but it seems like the Jenkins plugin sees the output classes, and no jacoco.exec, and interprets that as zero coverage.
Please give us more information.
Which plugin version do you use?
What is your current configuration on the configuration page of JaCoCo plugin?