• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • cvs-plugin
    • windows 2003 server, jenkins 1.482, maven 3, maven-release-plugin 2.1

      I have a problem when I use maven to generate a release from a cvs branch on jenkins.

      Here is the my environment :

      OS windows 2003 server
      jenkins 1.482
      jenkins cvs plugin 2.5
      maven 3
      maven-release-plugin 2.1
      cvs.exe native windows client 1.11.22 from http://cvs.nongnu.org (quite old, I know)

      The project is a maven project, in jenkins I configured it to use a cvs branch as the code source location. The project can be compiled without any issue on jenkins, but when I try to perform a maven release, the compilation crashes. More exactly, it stops when it tries to commit the modified pom.xml to cvs server.

      Here is the error message :

      [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [INFO] [INFO] Total time: 1:40.298s
      [INFO] [INFO] Finished at: Thu Jan 10 15:58:36 CET 2013
      [INFO] [INFO] Final Memory: 38M/247M
      [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
      [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "cvs -z3 -f -q commit -R -F C:\DOCUME~1\lsa_web\LOCALS~1\Temp\scm-commit-message2086459184030940886.txt pom.xml"
      [INFO] Working directory: D:\xxxxx
      mojoFailed org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.1(default-cli)
      projectFailed xxx:xxx:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
      message : Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.1:prepare (default-cli) on project xxx: Unable to commit files
      Provider message:
      The cvs command failed.
      Command output:
      cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `pom.xml'
      cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
      cause : Unable to commit files
      Provider message:
      The cvs command failed.
      Command output:
      cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `pom.xml'
      cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

      Then I looked into the code of the cvs plugin and found that it strips out the sticky date tags after cvs check out.

      Without the sticky tag (branch), the cvs.exe launched by maven during release tries to commit the modified pom.xml to HEAD which can obviously not work.

      C:\TEMP\workspace>cvs.exe status pom.xml
      File: pom.xml           Status: Needs Merge
         Working revision:
         Repository revision: 1.35    /APPLICATIONS/CVS01D/xxxx/cvsrepository/xxx/pom.xml,v
         Commit Identifier:   JtFwavfT373XqEzw
         Sticky Tag:          (none)
         Sticky Date:         (none)
         Sticky Options:      (none)

      Should the plugin removes the sticky branch tag when the code is checked out from a branch ?

          [JENKINS-16314] cvs plugin removes sticky branch tag

          James Morgan added a comment -

          Just to add the error this is causing is

          Provider message:
          The cvs command failed.
          Command output:
          cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `pom.xml'
          cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

          James Morgan added a comment - Just to add the error this is causing is Provider message: The cvs command failed. Command output: cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `pom.xml' cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

          Could you attach the XML config for this job please?

          Michael Clarke added a comment - Could you attach the XML config for this job please?

          Hi Michael, following is the xml for the job mentioned by James. Thanks for looking at.

          <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
          <maven2-moduleset plugin="maven-plugin@1.499">
            <description>server branch build</description>
              <de.pellepelster.jenkins.walldisplay.WallDisplayJobProperty plugin="jenkinswalldisplay@0.6.15"/>
            <scm class="hudson.scm.CVSSCM" plugin="cvs@2.8">
              <repositoryBrowser class="hudson.scm.browsers.ViewCVS">
                      <location class="hudson.scm.CvsRepositoryLocation$BranchRepositoryLocation">
            <triggers class="vector">
                <spec># every 10 mins
          */10 * * * *</spec>
            <goals>-U -DskipITs=false clean install -e</goals>
            <mavenOpts>-Xmx512M -Dm3plugin.lib=/space/jenkins_slave/main/workspace/artifactory-plugin/2.1.3</mavenOpts>
            <settings class="jenkins.mvn.DefaultSettingsProvider"/>
            <globalSettings class="jenkins.mvn.DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider"/>
              <org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.m2release.M2ReleaseBuildWrapper plugin="m2release@0.9.1">
                <releaseGoals>-Dresume=false release:prepare release:perform -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native -X</releaseGoals>
                <dryRunGoals>-X -Dresume=false -DdryRun=true release:prepare -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native -e</dryRunGoals>
              <org.jfrog.hudson.maven3.ArtifactoryMaven3NativeConfigurator plugin="artifactory@2.1.3">

          Adriano Andrulis added a comment - Hi Michael, following is the xml for the job mentioned by James. Thanks for looking at. <?xml version= '1.0' encoding= 'UTF-8' ?> <maven2-moduleset plugin= "maven-plugin@1.499" > <actions/> <description>server branch build</description> <keepDependencies> false </keepDependencies> <properties> <de.pellepelster.jenkins.walldisplay.WallDisplayJobProperty plugin= "jenkinswalldisplay@0.6.15" /> </properties> <scm class= "hudson.scm.CVSSCM" plugin= "cvs@2.8" > <flatten> true </flatten> <repositoryBrowser class= "hudson.scm.browsers.ViewCVS" > <url>https: //viewvc/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/server/?root=root</url> </repositoryBrowser> <repositories> <hudson.scm.CvsRepository> <cvsRoot>:pserver:builder@pserver:/cvsroot-root</cvsRoot> <repositoryItems> <hudson.scm.CvsRepositoryItem> <modules> <hudson.scm.CvsModule> <localName></localName> <remoteName>Component/services/server</remoteName> </hudson.scm.CvsModule> </modules> <location class= "hudson.scm.CvsRepositoryLocation$BranchRepositoryLocation" > <locationType>BRANCH</locationType> <locationName>RC_repServer2_6</locationName> <useHeadIfNotFound> false </useHeadIfNotFound> </location> </hudson.scm.CvsRepositoryItem> </repositoryItems> <compressionLevel>-1</compressionLevel> <excludedRegions> <hudson.scm.ExcludedRegion> <pattern></pattern> </hudson.scm.ExcludedRegion> </excludedRegions> <password>B5SEyM3MM3X7KWpcw=</password> <passwordRequired> true </passwordRequired> </hudson.scm.CvsRepository> </repositories> <canUseUpdate> false </canUseUpdate> <skipChangeLog> false </skipChangeLog> <pruneEmptyDirectories> true </pruneEmptyDirectories> <disableCvsQuiet> true </disableCvsQuiet> <cleanOnFailedUpdate> false </cleanOnFailedUpdate> <forceCleanCopy> true </forceCleanCopy> </scm> <assignedNode>dev02</assignedNode> <canRoam> false </canRoam> <disabled> false </disabled> <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding> false </blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding> <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding> false </blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding> <jdk>sun_jdk_7</jdk> <triggers class= "vector" > <hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger> <spec># every 10 mins */10 * * * *</spec> <ignorePostCommitHooks> false </ignorePostCommitHooks> </hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger> </triggers> <concurrentBuild> false </concurrentBuild> <rootModule> <groupId>com.components.server</groupId> <artifactId>server</artifactId> </rootModule> <goals>-U -DskipITs= false clean install -e</goals> <mavenOpts>-Xmx512M -Dm3plugin.lib=/space/jenkins_slave/main/workspace/artifactory-plugin/2.1.3</mavenOpts> <aggregatorStyleBuild> true </aggregatorStyleBuild> <incrementalBuild> false </incrementalBuild> <perModuleEmail> true </perModuleEmail> <ignoreUpstremChanges> false </ignoreUpstremChanges> <archivingDisabled> false </archivingDisabled> <resolveDependencies> false </resolveDependencies> <processPlugins> false </processPlugins> <mavenValidationLevel>-1</mavenValidationLevel> <runHeadless> false </runHeadless> <disableTriggerDownstreamProjects> false </disableTriggerDownstreamProjects> <settings class= "jenkins.mvn.DefaultSettingsProvider" /> <globalSettings class= "jenkins.mvn.DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider" /> <reporters> <hudson.maven.reporters.MavenMailer> <recipients>dev@mail.com</recipients> <dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild> false </dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild> <sendToIndividuals> true </sendToIndividuals> <perModuleEmail> true </perModuleEmail> </hudson.maven.reporters.MavenMailer> </reporters> <publishers/> <buildWrappers> <org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.m2release.M2ReleaseBuildWrapper plugin= "m2release@0.9.1" > <scmUserEnvVar></scmUserEnvVar> <scmPasswordEnvVar></scmPasswordEnvVar> <releaseEnvVar>IS_M2RELEASEBUILD</releaseEnvVar> <releaseGoals>-Dresume= false release:prepare release:perform -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native -X</releaseGoals> <dryRunGoals>-X -Dresume= false -DdryRun= true release:prepare -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native -e</dryRunGoals> <selectCustomScmCommentPrefix> false </selectCustomScmCommentPrefix> <selectAppendHudsonUsername> false </selectAppendHudsonUsername> <selectScmCredentials> false </selectScmCredentials> </org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.m2release.M2ReleaseBuildWrapper> <org.jfrog.hudson.maven3.ArtifactoryMaven3NativeConfigurator plugin= "artifactory@2.1.3" > <details> <artifactoryUrl>http: //artifactory/artifactory</artifactoryUrl> <artifactoryName>http: //artifactory/artifactory</artifactoryName> <downloadRepositoryKey>repository</downloadRepositoryKey> </details> </org.jfrog.hudson.maven3.ArtifactoryMaven3NativeConfigurator> </buildWrappers> <prebuilders> <hudson.tasks.Shell> <command></command> </hudson.tasks.Shell> </prebuilders> <postbuilders/> <runPostStepsIfResult> <name>SUCCESS</name> <ordinal>0</ordinal> <color>BLUE</color> </runPostStepsIfResult> </maven2-moduleset>

          Hi Michael, while debugging the code I found the problem is in the cleanout method on the FileCallable inner class on the AbstractCVS.java line 695.
          It call entry.setDate(null) that also removes the tag entry as it's stated on its javadoc "Set the sticky date information. Note that setting this will remove any tag information that is currently set."

          private void cleanup(File directory, AdminHandler adminHandler) throws IOException {
                                      for (File file : adminHandler.getAllFiles(directory)) {
                                          Entry entry = adminHandler.getEntry(file);
                                          String savedTag = entry.getTag();
                                          adminHandler.setEntry(file, entry);
          I hope that helps your analysis. 
          As a quick fix I've changed my AbstractCVS code as below but I'm not fully sure of the consequences.



          String savedTag = entry.getTag();
          if(savedTag != null)

          { entry.setTag(savedTag); }

          Thanks and Regards.

          Adriano Andrulis added a comment - Hi Michael, while debugging the code I found the problem is in the cleanout method on the FileCallable inner class on the AbstractCVS.java line 695. It call entry.setDate(null) that also removes the tag entry as it's stated on its javadoc "Set the sticky date information. Note that setting this will remove any tag information that is currently set." private void cleanup(File directory, AdminHandler adminHandler) throws IOException { for (File file : adminHandler.getAllFiles(directory)) { Entry entry = adminHandler.getEntry(file); String savedTag = entry.getTag(); entry.setDate( null ); adminHandler.setEntry(file, entry); } I hope that helps your analysis. As a quick fix I 've changed my AbstractCVS code as below but I' m not fully sure of the consequences. entry.setDate(null); to String savedTag = entry.getTag(); entry.setDate(null); if(savedTag != null) { entry.setTag(savedTag); } Thanks and Regards.

          Re-opening given latest comments

          Michael Clarke added a comment - Re-opening given latest comments

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Michael Clarke
          [FIXED JENKINS-16314] Retain tag information on post-checkout cleanup

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          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Michael Clarke Path: src/main/java/hudson/scm/AbstractCvs.java http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/cvs-plugin/d781d2879043784309856eaf169b67d6c517599c Log: [FIXED JENKINS-16314] Retain tag information on post-checkout cleanup – You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Commits" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to jenkinsci-commits+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out .

          James Morgan added a comment -

          Thanks for looking into this

          James Morgan added a comment - Thanks for looking into this

          Hi Michael, do you know when the next version will be release?
          Thanks in advance.

          Adriano Andrulis added a comment - Hi Michael, do you know when the next version will be release? Thanks in advance.

          Ravi Soni added a comment -

          Hi, In which build we will get this Fix. we are using 1.509.1 LTS this does not have this fix available. we urgently need this fix.


          Ravi Soni added a comment - Hi, In which build we will get this Fix. we are using 1.509.1 LTS this does not have this fix available. we urgently need this fix. Thanks,

          This fix has been released in version 2.9 of the CVS plugin. Releases of the CVS plugin are independent of releases of the Jenkins core: you need to go into your Jenkins update centre and check for plugin updates.

          Michael Clarke added a comment - This fix has been released in version 2.9 of the CVS plugin. Releases of the CVS plugin are independent of releases of the Jenkins core: you need to go into your Jenkins update centre and check for plugin updates.

            mc1arke Michael Clarke
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